So i just bought the new 2021 premium edition of music maker. Great stuff i was excited for.....turns out when i go to export a song it completely cancels out the Track effects not only in the exported file but also after the fact and can't bring it back unless i re-load the saved project file. "Was using the Orange Vocoder' on a vocal track.
I mean sure if i don't use effects i could still export but where's the creativity in that?
To make it worse, When i download the latest patch it installs then restarts the program only to have this new welcome screen to only show half of it and freeze . Won't let me log in, won't recognize that i bought the premium edition. completely broken.
So i uninstalled and re-installed and well problem 2 is fixed but i'm back at square one, Not being able to export my songs without anything going missing from it. So i'm gonna force myself to go back to the previous version until you guys can give a patch that actually works and doesn't destroy my program
Unless someone can tell me what's going wrong with both exporting songs with added track effects and/or the new patch freezing/breaking my program.