BPM / Tempo change causes glitch / volume envelope to be entered

classic1 wrote on 5/17/2020, 7:02 AM

Hi All, probably a quick simple one this but i cant find the answer anywhere so thought i would hop on here to ask. I have a mix that im trying to change the tempo bpm of during the track, ie not globally. So i have a mix running at 120bpm, lets say i want to increase this mid mix to 130 bpm. I can do this in acid by going Insert > Tempo change. Great this works, but it introduces a short glitch / volume envelope to be added at the point of tempo change. If you are doing a tempo change fade, ie from 120 to 130 bpm then this introduces like 20 glitches as acid gradually increases the bpm from 120 to 130. How do i remove the volume envelope that it introduces across all channels on a bpm change. Or better still how do i stop acid from adding these in the first place please?


Former user wrote on 5/17/2020, 11:12 PM

does it glitch on play back in AP or in the rendered version of the song?

classic1 wrote on 5/18/2020, 3:01 AM

Hi thanks for the reply, its on both, it is actually displaying like a split second fade to mute volume envelope right on every 'glitch' tempo change, that i cant get rid of. Acid is putting a forced volume envelope in on every tempo change. This is displayed graphically across every channel in the mix as well, at the point of each tempo change.