Beta Test: Music Maker 2024 udpate (

ralftaro wrote on 11/12/2023, 7:11 AM

Hello Music Maker enthusiasts,

Just wanted to let you know that we're about to announce the details of a beta test for the upcoming update for Music Maker 2024 (32.x). The announcement with all relevant information will happen on the Discord server that we have set up specifically for this purpose within the next 48 hours.

Some of you are already on the Discord server and part of our beta testing group. In this case, keep your eyes out for the announcement and/or make sure you're successfully receiving notification messages on your e-mail address associated with your Discord account.

If you're not part of the beta testing program yet but it sounds like something you'd want to participate in, feel free to let me know by posting in this thread or shooting me a private message on here. I'll invite you to the Discord server in time for the beta. At this point in time, we're still happy to accept more testers and generate more user feedback for this pending update.

Thanks & have a good day!