
gandjcarr wrote on 1/7/2014, 3:53 PM

Hallo, Dit is voornamelijk een Engels forum en mijn Nederlands is niet erg goed. Kunt u zorgen voor wat meer details over het probleem.
Dank je wel,

farmer11 wrote on 1/9/2014, 3:33 AM

I don't know the right translation of the word 'uitsnede', maybe a cut out? I'm using the Dutch version of VDL. So i am not familiar with some 'technical'words.

The image of a cut out in the timeline changes after export in mpeg or mp4. What you see in the timeline is not what you get in de movie. What more details can I give?


farmer11 wrote on 1/16/2014, 6:42 AM

Problem solved (after some days).

The problem is probably caused by de zoom funktion in the cut out/zoom option.

Using the position/size finction solved my problem.