I add my own music to my slideshows. When a video in the show comes on, I want to turn my background music off so I can hear the narration. How do you do this? Totally lost
I hope that you are using Photostory and not PhotoShop .
After adding your audio to a track, you need to do some "ducking." In timeline mode, right click on the audio clip, select Volume curve, show. Read the message on the screen. There should now be a green line at the top of the audio clip. Double-click on the green line where you want to start ducking and a point will be placed there. Move along a bit, double-click, move to the end when you want the sound to start back up, double-click, move a bit more to where the audio should be back at full strength, double-click. Go to the second and the cursor will change to a plus. Drag the point down. Go to the third point, drag it down. Now the sound will decrease gradually, stay low, then gradually go back to normal. Etc.