I'm using Magix Music Maker Version, the EDM edition from the "bundle" a month ago and almost immediately ran into the "crash right before saving hours of work" problem, only to discover the Autosave feature had NOT been saving my work every 10 minutes like the default settings indicate it should. There are NO files in any directory with a .BAK extension, no files other than the Saves I'd made manually.
Thinking it might be Windows 10 blocking saving into the default directories for some security reason, I redefined all the Folders in the Magix settings to use a different hard drive, but with the same results. No Autosaves.
Just to be clear, there are no error messages, no Windows popups telling me this or that is blocked, or the disk is full or anything like that, there are just no Autosave files being created.
I have the Autosave interval set to 10 minutes as in the default. I tried shortening it to 5 minutes, but same result.
And true, I can still manually Save, as long as I remember to do it while in the middle of making music, but it would be nice if the feature worked... just in case.
Does anyone have any suggestions as to how I might be able to get Autosave working..?