Automatic alignment of videos in multicam based on audio??

heyasam wrote on 8/12/2012, 9:13 PM

Hi - just want to make sure this is an open question still, would love an answer.  As in this post -

I saw this video on youtube which led to me buying Magix Movie Edit Pro MX Premium version - specifically for this function. 

How can I 'align other audio objects with this track' in this version of Magix Movie Editor?


gandjcarr wrote on 8/13/2012, 4:57 AM


The YouTube video you saw and posted in with your question is showing how to use some of the features in Magix Video Pro X, not Movie Edit Pro.  Movie Edit Pro does include multicam features but the automatic audio sync feature is only in Video Pro X . 

The easiest way I can think of to align the audio tracks would be to move the clip manually using the audio wave form to guide you to the alignment that you are looking for.  I would start at the "Zoom to fill movie length" to get a rough alignment, then start zoomin in from there to fine tune down to the frame level if necessary.

Good Luck