Audio Waveform in MEP 2013

gandjcarr wrote on 10/23/2012, 1:48 PM

Most of the time I can get MEP 2013 to display the audio wave form but sometime (even with the wave form un-grouped) and yes I know how to un-group objects even though I get the pop up when I right click, create wave form does not appear at the top of the box. Also, the wave form is one of the most ridiculous audio wave forms I have ever seen. By the way for some reason I still cannot answer posts which is why I did this as a new post.


john-auvil wrote on 10/23/2012, 2:42 PM

What format files are you working with? I would like to test this out to see if I get similar results. I think the reason that the "Create Waveform" doesnt appear is because it naturally opens "embedded" with the video. At least all the files I have are, but I am mainly working with either, .mts, mp4, wmv files. I can test out others, I just would like to know what you are using so I can see what results I get.

Do you mean that the embedded wave in the single track is ridiculous?


cpc000cpc wrote on 10/23/2012, 8:40 PM

Just checking here -- even if the audio is imbedded you can do a 'Create Waveform' and see the wave at smaller scale at the bottom of its track. Note also there are keyboard shortcuts for having the audio imbedded or on its own track.