Audio Studio 15 Effects Preview Resets Cursor to Beginning

John-Ellis wrote on 7/12/2021, 6:04 PM

In Audio Studio 12, Previewing an Effect always started wherever the Cursor was located. Now, in Audio Studio 15, Previewing an Effect always resets the Cursor to the beginning of the file. This is a terrible "feature" (or "bug"). Am I missing something or is there an option to make it start the Preview at the current cursor location, like in AS 12?


rraud wrote on 7/13/2021, 12:41 PM

Welcome to the Magix Sound Forge users forum @John-Ellis.
I am not very familiar with AS (Audio Studio), but that is normal behavior in Sound Forge Pro when using the 'Fx Favorites'. Select the section you wish to preview or process prior to (or after selecting the plug-in or 'apply plug-in chain' in Fx Favorites)
OTOH, using the timeline plug-in chainer mode seeks the cursor for previewing and renders Fx (and edits) to the entire file when saved.
SFAS may differ some from SFP. Maybe an experienced AS user can elaborate on Fx procedures.

John-Ellis wrote on 7/13/2021, 6:35 PM

Greetings @rraud! Thanks for the quick reply.

I can't speak for Sound Forge Pro, but I have used Audio Studio 12 extensively for several years, usually on a daily basis. So, I am fairly familiar with the ins and outs of the program. I have uploaded a video capture to my Google Drive to demonstrate what I mean:

You'll notice that about 6 seconds into the capture, I place the Cursor around the 40 second mark. Then, I load a third-party noise reduction plugin (doesn't matter if it's a native effect or a third-party plugin) from Izotope. I then adjust the plugin to "Learn" what noise I'm trying to reduce and then play the little noise section. After that, I hit "OK" and it applies the effect to the entire clip.

I can't do this with AS15 because it resets the cursor to the beginning of the clip where there isn't a pure noise sample. The only workaround that seems to work is to make a Selection of the noise area, "Learn" the noise, then save the configuration as a Preset in the Noise Reduction Plugin, then close the Plugin. Then, unselect the noise area, reload the Plugin, load the temporary Preset, then apply it to the entire clip.

Although this is just one example, there are other third-party *and* built-in plugins I use where it would be nice to be able to preview how the Effect changes the audio at the Cursor.

If anyone knows of a setting or option that I'm missing, I would sure appreciate showing it to me. But, if this is how it is supposed to work now, AS15 is definitely a downgrade from AS12.

rraud wrote on 7/13/2021, 7:23 PM

To capture a 'noise print' in NR-2.0 or 'learn' in RX Elements, the selection should be a frame or so of just the offensive noise. Though RX does have an 'auto' learn feature.

I do not have AS to further investigate the behavior you experience. You should request a Magix tech support ticket to find out definitively if the FX preview process was changed, a bug, or an isolated issue.


John-Ellis wrote on 7/13/2021, 10:40 PM

Yeah...AS12 has a nice little "Denoiser" Tool that works similar to your description of NR-2.0. Unfortunately, the Denoiser Tool is missing from AS15 as well. The RX Voice Denoise plugin that I use has an auto-learn feature as well called "Adaptive mode" which I use 95 percent of the time, because it works so well. But, there are times when it is more effective to have it "Learn" what the noise is. Plus, this is just one example of many, where having the Cursor placed at a critical location in the audio file, helps immensely when Previewing how an Effect will turn out.

I followed the "Magix tech support" link that you referenced, but couldn't find anywhere to request a support ticket.

@rraud, you've gone above and beyond trying to help and I really appreciate it. I'm just beginning to feel like AS15 was a downgrade, in my particular situation. I've found several other functions, tools, etc., that I frequently use with AS12 that are gone in AS15 and the only thing that I can really see added are things I will probably never use.

Hopefully, someone is watching that can show me the way!

John-Ellis wrote on 7/13/2021, 10:52 PM

It took some digging, but I found the link to start a support request:

I'll post what I find out.

rraud wrote on 7/14/2021, 9:47 AM

It took some digging, but I found the link to start a support request

Yes, submitting a Magix support request is a convoluted process, I should have included a link to my 'cheat sheet' post, sorry.

John-Ellis wrote on 7/15/2021, 6:17 PM

I have been in contact with MAGIX Support Manager name removed by Moderator and have had this question answered, pretty much to my satisfaction. By the way, the support response time was very impressive. The form says it might take a few days, but each correspondence with name removed was answered in less than 24 hours!

Name removed told me that when MAGIX took over Audio Studio from Sony, they tried to take the product in a new direction and created Audio Studio 12. Apparently, there was such an outcry from previous users over the change, that the versions after 12 went back to the original style and functionality from when Sony had it. More importantly, the original Sony version behaves this way intentionally, rewinding the Cursor to the beginning of a file before previewing it in any of the Effects.

Bottom line, this is the way it is intended to work. While I don't like this personally, I completely understand how you can get used to something working one way and then having that turned upside down. I'll learn to deal with it. Hopefully in the not-too-distant future, the programmers will add a “Start Effects Preview at Cursor” checkbox in the Options for a future release!

Last changed by emmrecs on 7/16/2021, 4:31 AM, changed a total of 1 times.

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John-Ellis wrote on 7/15/2021, 6:20 PM

One final note...Name removed explained that after they reverted Audio Studio back to the way it was with Sony, MAGIX created Sound Forge Audio Cleaning Lab, which kind of follows a similar path they had going with Audio Studio 12. It's a pretty amazing application!

Last changed by emmrecs on 7/16/2021, 4:31 AM, changed a total of 1 times.

Reason: To remove name of Magix personnel, publication of which is forbidden under Community rules

emmrecs wrote on 7/16/2021, 4:33 AM


With apologies for editing your posts but the Community rules specifically forbid the publication of the names of any Magix staff. Hence the changes I have made.

Please be careful to follow this rule in any future post. Thank you.

Forum Moderator

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John-Ellis wrote on 7/16/2021, 4:47 AM

The apologies are mine, @emmrecs. I'm new to the forums here. I'll make sure that doesn't happen again. Thanks for your patience!