I've been using SF AS12 for years and it opens just about anything, but AS 15 just gives vague error messages like "there was a problem opening..." when I try to open mp4 and mkv files that AS 12 opens without problem. It does open mp3 and wav files OK.
Hi @jaydear, you can try enabling 'Always proxy compressed formats' in the "Options> Preferences> General" menu. Otherwise, AVC/AAC (mp4) type files should' open if they do in SF-12. You can try resetting SF-15 and cleaning the cache. Which I think is in the 'File' menu (like SFP-15). Otherwise, press and hold the Ctrl>Shift keys and launch SF-15 will display the command.
Hi rraud, thank you. I tried the 'Always proxy...' setting, but still no go so I cleaned the cache with file/reset as you suggested. When AS15 restarted I tried opening the same files and now I get a message about Quicktime 7 not being installed. At least it is not just locking up now! I would d/l and install Qt 7, but AS12 is working 100% fine on the same PC, so I feel the lack of Qt 7 is not the problem and I really don't want to put it in if I can avoid it because it's a really old Apple cast-off and likely to stuff up my file associations and who knows what else?
For some reason, your SF-15 is not seeing the QT codec, aside from reinstalling a QT codec I currently do have an answer. I have Quicktime 'Alt' installed on all my PCs and never had a problem. On my Dell XPS laptop, I have SFP-10 through 15 and all open and render AVC/AAC files without issue.
That's interesting. I think I'll uninstall and reinstall AS15 and see if the problem persists. I also have SFP12 so I might install it and see if it works normally. I might try Qt 'alt' as a last resort. Thanks for the insight.
Reinstalled AS15 - no change. Installed Qt 'alt' - no change. Installed Qt - no change. AS12 still 100% OK - very frustrating! I got a bit more scientific and tried playing various mp4s I have archived and found that some old ones would play and some not!! The file information in the File/Open window reveals that the older ones that do play have AAC sound. Mediainfo shows that the newer ones that won't play have AC3 sound. So it looks like Magix have left out AC3 support in AS15 which is no use to me without it.
Dolby AC-3 files will not playback in Sound Forge without a AC-3 decoder. Convert the AC-3 files to PCM WAVE and use them. There are numerous online converters that convert to most formats If you have a multi-channel (surround) AC-3, convert it to a PCM poly file (or individual mono channel files). If you have Vegas Pro, the third-party HOS (Happy Otter Scripts) supports AC-3 where you can convert or open in SF from VP. Even w/o HOS, you can however encode AC-3 files if you have DVD Architect and the encoder will be available in SF. SCS versions of DVD-A had the Pro and the Studio (lite) Dolby AC-3 encoders. The Dolby Pro encoder is no longer licensed to Magix.