Hi I am totally new to Music Maker and very old. I have downloaded and installed the latest free version on my Gaming Laptop. I have dragged some a "Right Strings D" into the composing area and when it plays it sounds like a slightly melodic phrase of scratchy near white noise. I am stuck at the very first hurdle. I just followed the installation instructions and have reinstalled, rebooted, swore and kicked. Still exactly the same. Also whenever I move my mouse back into focus it seems to be "busy" for a random long time and then lets me take control. Even to click Help!!! I cannot even check the version! Windows 10 ASUS TUF Gaming A15. MM 64-Bit Version After a couple of minutes. It seems to be taking a constant 10% CPU but no Disk or Network!
Audio Problem on New Installation Plus Drowning in Despair
wrote on 1/21/2022, 3:06 AM