
SIROD wrote on 12/19/2008, 3:25 PM
Hi,  I have your answer.

I have just bought the same program and got the same problem when copying analogue video to the program.

It all looked ok until I played it back and listened to the sound. I then found that the sound was out of sync with the picture. I also found that it was ok at the start of the recording but gradually drifted out more and more towards the end of my hour long recording.

I felt the same as you in that if this is how it's going to be then it's not worth using. But I think that the main problem is that the person who wrote the PDF help files new exactly how the program worked but he was not very good at explaining it to a new user.

I have found the answer but it took a long time and with no help from the PDF file. The problem is that the sound sampling rate is wrong. Now if you are like me, I didn't even know what this did let alone how to change it and what effect it would have.

This is what you need to do:-

When starting a new project for recording, first click on the third box on the first screen for 'Recording'.  Then on the next selection, click on 'Analogue Video'.

This then brings up the screen where you can click the red button to start your recording but don't start recording yet.

Look at the third section of this screen where you will see the word 'configuration', click on this.  Now look at the bottom right section of the new box where you will see the sound sampling rate which will normally be set to 48000.

You will also see a tick box around the bottom center refering to sound drift, I can't give the precise wording as my program is currently burning a disc so I can't get back to that page to look at it and I am doing this from memory.

Put a tick in this box and then look at the input box to the left of this tick box. This is the all important box that effectively adjust the speed at which the sound is recorded.

You won't find that written down anywhere but I assure you that this is what it does.

The number currently showing will be very near to the 48000 as previously mentioned and by increasing this number, it speeds up the sound recording rate and reducing it slows the sound down.

Now I had to do 15 times a 1 hour recording (yes, very boring) each time changing the number as I gradually brought the sound into sync with the picture. I now have the number that precisely brings the two into perfect sync and will be trying other tapes tomorrow.

That magic number is:- 47985

You could try using that number and hopefully it will work for you. If not, you now know what you have to do to get it right. Just do a few long recordings and check the sound only at the end of the tape, the beginning will always be ok.

My tip would be to select a part of the end of the recording where you can see someone saying something. You then have a point where you can check if the sound is still in sync. If it is, then you have found your magic number.

Overall, I think the program does a very good job but the instructions leave a lot to be desired. It leaves you with the feeling that you want to smack someone !!

Anyway I hope that helps, I won't be leaving this topic and will pass on any other tips should I find any.

Regards for now



Glad that helped.

Just remember that if the sound is later than the video, then the number needs to be increased because it is being recorded too slow.

If it is in earlier than the video, then the number needs to be reduced because it is being recorded too fast.

