Assigning different Midi controllers to VST instruments

planetqwerty wrote on 2/24/2016, 3:56 PM

I'd like to be able to make real-time changes via my midi keyboard (Korg Triton Extreme) to the VST instruments - in particular to the sustain volume of "Saxophonia", so that I can achieve crescendos and decrescendos when holding a note or chord.

Is it possible to assign, for example, the ribbon controller on the Korg to achieve this?  Help!


planetqwerty wrote on 3/21/2016, 4:38 PM

Think I've found out how.  Right click on one of the control knobs of the VST instrument panel and select "midi learn".  Then move the controller that you want to use (pitch wheel, modulation wheel, ribbon, breath controller, whatever) on your synth and - hey presto, the controller now changes the parameters of the knob you selected on the VST. 

Works brilliantly with Saxophonia volume and timbre being adjusted by a breath controller!