Anybody knows why Magix Edit Pro 17 freezes when it loads the Media Pool?

Areti wrote on 2/18/2011, 1:59 PM

Hello everybody! I recently bought the Magix Movie Edit Pro 17 Plus HD. Anybody knows why my programm freezes when it loads the Media Pool? I hear a short "Error" sound and the programm freezes. At  that point it says "initializing Media Pool" Anybody has the same problem? How can I fix this?


abbak wrote on 2/18/2011, 4:12 PM

Hello ,


Update the drivers for the graphics card.




Securityman wrote on 2/18/2011, 10:20 PM

MEP 17 is a useless program with errors even Magix won't admit to.

ChatBud22312 wrote on 2/21/2011, 9:47 PM

I purchased the program today and I get the exact same thing. It worked fine for a couple hours. After I installed the plugins it wouldn't load anymore.   It gives the  error sound and freezes at the same "initializing Media Pool"  I tried updating the drivers for the graphics card as suggested below but no luck.  Any other ideas for solving this program would be greatly appreciated.   Thanks in advance.


02/24/11 UPDATE:  Magix Tech support sent me a program called syscheck.  You run the program and it sends your computer info to tech support.  I ran the program and send the computer information.  I got a reply back stating that I need to update some of my drivers and that my bios was also out of date.    They gave me links to all of the necessary driver installers.  I ran all of the driver updates and even upgraded the bios and had the same problem.  They then told me to reset the program by deleting the "Videodeluxe.ini" file.  Here are their instructions for that part:




Please delete the following file in the location below to reset your Movie Edit Pro 17 Plus.
You may need to allow Windows to show hidden files to find this location.
Movie Edit Pro 17 Plus
1. Go to location:
2. Delete Videodeluxe.ini
3. Restart Movie Edit Pro



I followed these instructions and the program loaded without freezing.    I have loaded it twice more since then without a problem.  Got my fingers crossed.



david.whitehouse4 wrote on 9/28/2016, 11:26 PM

I had the same problem with the 2017 version too. Eventually I found there was a conflict with previous MAGIX Video programmes I had installed. Once I uninstalled these there was no more freezing. Make sure you uninstall any older Goya burning programmes associated with Magix. Besides the programme freezing, it would only partially burn any new DVD I had compiled, then freeze, and the only way to get back to the programme was to turn off the computer, and start again. This was very frustrating after spending so much time compiling a DVD from my videos taken with an aerial camera mounted under a quadcopter. Hopefully this will help others experiencing the same problem.