Any way to have smaller Transport Control Bar in Samplitude Pro X5

Thomas-Foley wrote on 4/11/2024, 4:49 PM

I've been using Samplitude for over 20 years. In the earliest versions, it let you re-size the Transport control to any size you want. I can't stand the huge Transport Bar that Samplitude forces me to use. Is there a way to make it smaller so it doesn't take up so much room?


SP. wrote on 4/11/2024, 5:36 PM

@Thomas-Foley Right click on the main toolbar at the top or bottom, then select Edit Toolbar. In the edit menu, click on the custom button. Add the transport control icons you want to see and select the playback function you want to use. Close the custom icon window and then drag and drop the new icons to a position in the toolbar. You then don't need the transport control window.

Thomas-Foley wrote on 4/11/2024, 8:45 PM

Thanks a lot for taking your time to try and help me. I really appreciate that. I already put my most used tools in the toolbar. It's how i have it now. The thing is I really like everything on the Transport Control, but it's just way too big. I attached a screenshot of one of the early Samplitude Transport controls. It's half the size. Some designer thought it would be a great idea to make the new transport control double the size and take away it's resizing capability.

Sometimes I want it small when I'm editing and have it in a specific area on the screen and sometimes I want it HUGE to click on it from the back of my room. I don't like editing from a keyboard. (I don't even have keyboards connected to my computers.). I just want the old transport control that Samplitude used to have. If it wasn't for all the software synths and plugins, I would go back to using Samplitude of 15 years ago. The mixer setup was nicer, like a real console with knobs etc... I was hoping someone made custom skins and setups I could buy or at least let you load the old setups of Samplitude.

SP. wrote on 4/12/2024, 4:45 PM

@Thomas-Foley If you still want to use the Transport control window there are two options.

You can shrink the size of the Transport control a little bit by collapsing the right side of it. There is a small triangle next to the Sync button.

In the program settings under the Skins options you can select a micro design of the Transport control (also accessable via the right click menu on the Time Display). You can also collapse the right side of the micro design by clicking on the triangle next to the Punch button.

I don't think that there are other ways to make it even smaller.

Thomas-Foley wrote on 4/15/2024, 5:08 AM

Thank you! I'll try what you say. I was hoping you were going to tell me that I could download all these cool skins someone made. I actually went back to my old Sequoia, old Samplitude Producer, and old Samplitude 10 and was reminded how much I like those over the new Samplitude. I would use those old programs except that the Software synths are so cool in the new Samplitude.