when you insert some intros, it uses alpha masks. As you can in the fx manager, there is an effect in place called "alpha", which can even be removed. Is it possible to create an alpha mask myself?
. . . . Is it possible to create an alpha mask myself . . . .
It is possible to create your own using an image editing program in jpg, png and tif formats.
A mask image is a black and white image (jpg or TIF formats) or can have black or white shapes/sections with transparent sections (png format) to which you apply either Chromakey Black,White or Alpha effect. The image below is a small sample of the masks I have acquired or created.
I usually make the masks 2x the resolution of the video eg for Full HD (1920 x 1080) I make a mask 3840 x 2160 px - this allows for a degree of resizing within the program.
Hello John and thank you for your quick and detailed answer. Unfortunately, you are skipping the one thing I cannot find 😅: Where is the chromakey option in photostory?
Oh, oh! I don't see Chromakey in PhotoStory Premium 2019. I checked back with 2013 and it's not there either. Is there something new in 2020 for this?
Where do you see "alpha?"
It looks like you may need at least Movie Edit Pro Plus or Premium to do this. There, Chromakey is under FX, Image Optimization. Another limitation of PhotoStory.
My apologies - Phostostory 2020 does not support the Chromakey option to use with masks. As @browj2 has said you would need at least Movie Edit Pro Plus or Premium to do this.
There is a way of creating an effect similar to that of using a mask and Chromakey, and that is to use the Cookie Cutter effect - this is limited on what you can do, however combining this with View & Animation, Size & Position does give some flexibility.
@browj2 Alpha is under the Levels and looks identical to the Mask Generator in MEP/VPX. I think the snow must be getting to my memory, I am working from my laptop at the moment.