Adding fades changes video clip start point

gotnohair wrote on 1/4/2009, 8:07 PM

I'm using MEP 14 Plus and have a movie which is made up of about 40 images, each with a duration that synchronizes with specific lyrics in the audio track. When I add fades between the images, the duration changes dramatically and the video synchronization to audio is lost.

For example, assuming that all my images have a duration of 5 seconds without fades, when I add the fades, each video clip slides over by almost 4 seconds. The duration of the clip seems to be the same, but they now overlap leaving only about 1.5 seconds per clip before the fade begins.

I have tried a few other video editors and this does not happen. Clips don't move and the fade is simply added across the end of the A clip and beginning of the B clip. The movie is still the same length and clip start points are unaffected.

Any help on applying fades without affecting clip duration or start point would be much appreciated.



Spark wrote on 2/8/2009, 11:06 AM

Unfortunately this seems to be a major bug in this program. Adding fades automatically moves the object to the left. Try putting 2 images on a track. One at the beginning of the movie and one at the end. If you apply a fade to the image at the end it'll move, RIGHT TO THE BEGINNING OF THE MOVIE. This bug not only affects stills but motion video as well. It's quiet a challenge using this editor having objects moving around it you aren't careful.

With other editors you can lay out your movie then add music and fades. Don't do it with movie edit pro. The fades will completely destroy your timeline. My only advice is if you have to use this program be sure to start applying fades as soon as you start your project (difficult and illogical I know). 

Perhaps you could save your move as is, then import it into the Microsoft video editor and apply their fades. Silly I know, but until Magix fixes their bugs you might have to do it that way.
I'm still trying to decide if I should forget about this program all together and just use the free MS editor in Windows. I'd be done my movie by now if I had.

Grrr, emails to support go unanswered and they obviously don't help out on these boards (70 answers out of 600 english questions).