
Larry98 wrote on 11/1/2018, 4:12 PM

Where did you purchased your music maker edition?
Purchased editions from the in-app-store will be activated automatic and not need an additional serial number.


MAGIX Fan seit 2014.

Aktuelle Programme (jeweils neueste Version)
Video deluxe Premium, Video Pro X, VEGAS Pro Edit 15, Music Maker und Xara Designer Pro X.
Eine komplette Programmliste findest du in meinem Profil.

peter-senior wrote on 11/1/2018, 4:21 PM

I purchased it from the in-app-store but it was not activated automatically. For example, it states that it comes with " 1 Complete Soundpool Bundle of your choice (a value of € 19,99) NEW! 2 preset packs + 4 software instruments of your choice."
There is no Soundpool that I can choose for free and the 4 software instruments are not available/accessible. All Soundpools and software have a price tag. As far as I can determine I still have just Music maker and might as well request a refund.

Larry98 wrote on 11/2/2018, 9:03 AM

All Soundpools and software have a price tag.

On the bottom of the store you can see how many coupons you have left. When you click on BUY NOW it will auomtatic reduce the price. For more infromation read the tutorial or use the manual.

MAGIX Fan seit 2014.

Aktuelle Programme (jeweils neueste Version)
Video deluxe Premium, Video Pro X, VEGAS Pro Edit 15, Music Maker und Xara Designer Pro X.
Eine komplette Programmliste findest du in meinem Profil.

peter-senior wrote on 11/2/2018, 2:20 PM

Your very helpful reply is greatly appreciated. I upgraded to Premium and have downloaded and installed everything based on your tutorial. Thanks again!

Nicola-Pieri wrote on 11/3/2018, 6:22 PM

hi Larry why have 2 point in red but no see nothing for free...?

Larry98 wrote on 11/3/2018, 7:56 PM

hi Larry why have 2 point in red but no see nothing for free...?

The free coupons are on the bottom of the page. This just shows that 2 new articles are available to purchase.