Playkid wrote on 10/15/2018, 11:50 AM

Does anybody remember the artist "Playkid" on Acidplanet? That was my profile. I had three #1 songs between 2001-2003. They were;

"American God"

"Empathy" and "You Can"

Earlier this year AP artists were emailed and notified that Sony would be shutting down the site and deleting everything. Unfortunately, I didn't receive the email because I no longer had access to the email account associated with my profile. I only found out about the AP shut down a couple days ago. I am devastated because I lost about 75 of my very first original recordings.

I'm gathering info and trying to connect with old AP friends because I'm writing a memoir about my life and music. If anyone has any information, remembers Playkid, or possibly has any of my old tunes, Please contact me.

Ryan Hoban
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