Acid update/ 10 new feature suggestions/ requests

BackInTimePlease wrote on 10/11/2019, 11:26 AM

Just thought id start this... please add to it

I have loads more written, but

here are some Id like

Please have mercy on me if some of these already exist :)


1. Quantise midi notes by selecting them with the multipul selection tool/ and keyboard shortcut

2. "Show Plugin GUI/ Window' button on each track (in the Track List above the Window Docking Area)

3. Mute single notes/ events

4. Multi Selection tool can do all the same as the pencil tool, I find myself changing between the two a lot, if the selection tool could extend note length etc too would be easier

5. 2 buttons at top of the mixer. All tracks up by 5/10db, and All tracks down by 5/10db (the db value can be adjustable, with little arrow in the button 3db/5db/10db maybe).


Or Fix Clipping button, essentially just a button that stops the mix clipping. Or just shows you exatly which event/ part is clipping


6. Merge midi parts from separate tracks (think this may be poss already)

7.' Snap to' option of 'Grid Relative' early versions of Acid used to have this... I cant find how to do it these days.. and its useful. Helps move very small/ or awkwardly placed events easily

8. Unlimited undos (past the last save point)

9. Select/ and edit multiple Vol envelope points at once... (with the multiple selection tool)

10. When you render separate tracks they could be normalised automatically (could even save data so track will still play at same vol relative to each other in mix if you re-import the files as a mixdown) Ok this ones a bit complicated poss asking too much :))

11. Hide all envolopes button in top tool bar


I'll leave it here lol


Magix thank you, you are awesome I have a lot of good things to say...


cloud_content wrote on 10/11/2019, 3:31 PM

Snap Suggestions Which Offer Users Choice and Flexibility


Currently in Acid Pro 9, there are two options under "Snapping" 1) Enable and 2) Grid Only. I would like to turn off Snapping to the Grid, but keep "events"/"clips"/"media items" snapping to markers. So, under "Snapping," I would prefer to have checkboxes for each of the following:

  • Snap to grid
  • "Media item edges" (the edges of media items snap to the edges of other media items)
  • Snap to markers, regions, current loop selection boundaries
  • Snap to crossfades (in Magix' Vegas, a media item can snap to the edges of crossfades. I can post a video if this is unclear to Acid users. Note: in Vegas, when a user clicks while the insertion cursor is pointed within a media item crossfade, the new current loop selection becomes the size of the crossfade. This type of selection could be added as an optional behavior in Acid Pro. Currently, Acid Pro 9 does not behave this way and instead the new loop selection will become the size of the entire media item)
  • Snap to the Insertion Cursor (I do not always find this useful)
  • Snap across all tracks above and below (when snap is "enabled," the default would be that moving media items (one media item or a group of media items) causes the media item touched by the mouse pointer to snap to other things it interacts with along the same track that this media item occupies). Please note: Vegas allows for the edges of a media Item (called an "event" in Vegas) to snap to the edges of other media items not only on the same track, but also across tracks above and below. Acid Pro version 9 does NOT allow for this and, when snap is enabled, moving a media item will always result in the media item jumping to snap to the Grid. Please consider these examples:

When Snap is enabled, moving a media item in Acid Pro 9 results in the media item jumping right past markers, regions, and the boundaries of the current loop selection ...

When Snap is enabled, moving a media item in Acid Pro 9 results in the media item jumping right past the flashing insertion cursor ...

When Snap is enabled, moving a media item in Acid Pro 9 results in the media item jumping right past the edges of other media items on the same track ...

With a "Snap across all tracks above and below" option, users would have more flexibility and control. Users could determine if they want their particular snapping preferences respected just along the same track or across all tracks above and below)


If the above options (with dots by each) could be listed under "Snap," I would tick just the boxes I wanted in order to customize the Snap function. My personal preference would be to uncheck "Grid" and then check "Snap to markers, regions, and current loop selection" and, maybe in some cases, I would check "Snap to crossfades," assuming the option to click within the crossfade (which I describe above) in order to create a new loop selection that matches the size of the crossfade, could be added as an Acid Pro feature.

BackInTimePlease wrote on 10/11/2019, 5:15 PM

Agreed, Cloud Content, more snap options for sure are needed, and would save our brain power

(Snap to Events and Cursor for sure. And grid relative for me anyway)

Matt-Francis wrote on 10/12/2019, 12:29 AM

Good thread. My suggestion would be to fix AP8/9 so that people can use plug in presets again.

Also add side chaining, even if through a separate plug in. This is available on other DAWs and I can't see why it isn't included with ACID.

Christopher-Frank wrote on 10/12/2019, 4:11 AM

My suggestion? Sell the brand to a more competent software firm or bury the line. It simply sucks now. Thankfully, I was strong enough to walk away from the abusive relationship Magix products tried to entangle me in and am happy with another DAW and more money in my pocket.

BackInTimePlease wrote on 10/13/2019, 7:40 PM

Why do you think it sucks Christopher. I obviously dont know your experience with Magix that makes you say you have an abusive relationship

But as far as acid goes what makes you say it... Or are you just angry :))

clackey wrote on 10/18/2019, 8:51 AM

i think magix is probably doing the best they can for this product line. i just wished they were a little more vocal about the overall plan and maybe throw us a little crumb on future development of acid pro. i would love to only work in acid pro.

BackInTimePlease wrote on 10/22/2019, 7:40 PM

Me too I have to say Clackey

cloud_content wrote on 2/15/2020, 8:00 AM

With the release of Acid Pro 10 expected soon, it would be nice to hear from community members what specific features would help their work flow? And what specific features, if included, would make AP10 more of an attractive purchase

Thank you

Djronrella wrote on 2/15/2020, 8:15 AM


The MASTER VU METER should be enhanced and changed to a much larger and wider view as in the SOUNDFORGE Master Vu Meters are. The Current Acid  Pro versions Master vu meters are extremely narrow and hard to see even when you enlarge meters like the original Acid Pro versions are!.


Hoping Magix changes that!




jocker-boy wrote on 2/18/2020, 2:16 PM

"Duplicate" function, improvements in Beatmapper, larger window, more accurate waveform chart. Sidechain improvements, a more efficient and modern sampler, a more accurate beatgrid, sometimes gets lost. Improved stability, memory and processor power management, faster rendering. Better modern EQ, filters, EQ option for DJ Kill function on bands. Tools for remixing.Option that you do not need to make a copy - paste when moving a fragment of a clip, sample or loop loop so that it is the same and not the changed audio fragment.

FTech wrote on 2/20/2020, 1:41 PM

If they can make Acid Pro 10 stable and fix bugs, I'll buy it in a heart beat!

Maybe incorporate "Serato" like bpm detection in Beatmapper.

Former user wrote on 2/22/2020, 8:43 PM

Too late for release feature suggestions. It's already going to be pretty much finished. Maybe they'll add in an update, later, though.

I think people are expecting too much considering the neglect the product endured under Sony.

You don't catch up to the industry in 2-3 years after being out of development for 8-10 years.

toddbooster wrote on 2/24/2020, 8:30 AM

@Former user You're right. It's out, and none of these things are in there.

For the record, I was hoping (still am for the future I guess) for some more functional features like:

  • Some kind of comping feature with multiple take lanes
  • A remote control app (if you're singing and/or sampling some instrument when you can't reach the keyboard or see the monitor, these kinds of things are indispensable)
  • Freeze for audio tracks

Edit: Removed comment about markers because that functionality exists and I was sleepy when I wrote it.