I used ACID Pro for a number of years and I am a long time Vegas user. I came here through the Magix Sony purchase.
I've used and progressed quite nicely with Vegas as it has been developed by Magix.
On the ACID Pro side it appeared nothing was happening. I got invited into the Beta Music maker program. I've dabbled in Music Maker and I am about to embark on a project. I reacquainted myself with Music Maker and I was quite happy to discover in the latest version I have that much of ACID Pro technology is being used in Music Maker. In addition I was very happy to see additional pitch/auto-tune features (much like Melodyne and Auto-Tune)
I thought I would explore the forums before embarking on this new project and I discovered that in addition to Music Maker there is a new release of ACID Pro.
A few questions?
Having gone through the beta stuff am I eligible for a copy of ACID Pro? If yes, how do I get it?
If no, is the basic functionality of Music Maker and ACID Pro the same with ACID Pro only offering additional loops sets?
Can projects be moved across the two products?
I am sooo happy to see ACID Pro being developed!