Acid Pro 9.0.1 - Tracks constantly moving around slightly

Stuart-Beck wrote on 9/26/2019, 9:05 AM

I have used Acid Pro in the past to mix songs with little issue, having just purchased Acid Pro 9 I am finding it frustrating to use to carry out this task. As an example:

  • I load 2 tracks and use the beatmapper wizard on them - both have different BPM's
  • I place the start of track 2 at the point in track 1 I want to mix in
  • After a short while the beats are out of sync slightly, I erase a small part of track 2 and move the side after the erasure to match the beats again, we are back in sync
  • I go back to where the mix started and things have moved and the start of the mix is no longer in sync

Is this a known issue?

I have noticed that even losing focus on the desktop application and refocusing causes tracks to shift slightly (taken with my phone because guess what, screen shots move them yet again):

Prior to losing application focus:

After losing and regaining focus:

This lack of precision is not what I was expecting when I paid so much money for this application!


Kix2K wrote on 9/27/2019, 1:20 AM

its a known issue, there are other threads about it here. but as to whether or not they can actually fix it, who knows...

Stuart-Beck wrote on 9/27/2019, 10:22 AM

Do Magix employees frequent this forum? Is it possible to get an ETA on a fix for this issue?

sheppo wrote on 9/30/2019, 4:05 PM

@Stuart-Beck - they do. I've been informed that this bug is being actively worked on for the next release. At this point I have not heard that will be released.

cloud_content wrote on 10/5/2019, 12:01 AM

In Acid Pro 9 (9.0.3 build 26)(this is 32-bit Acid, in Windows 7 Pro 64-bit, with all updates. But I suspect this bug has existed in many versions of Acid)

The waveform inside of "clips"/"events"/"media items" moves slightly when the edges are resized. I have encountered this when adjusting the edges of two media items (in this case, .Wav files), and then pushed "Play," and then noticed the misalignment.

Here is a video (notice the relationship between the "X" and the marker by the conclusion of the video):

sheppo wrote on 10/7/2019, 7:15 AM

hi @cloud_content This looks like a similar, but different issue. Really great spot, I've not seen this issue before, and thank you taking time to capture a video showing the specific issue! Can you please log this as a support ticket to log the bug, attaching the link to the video, and if possible the audio file concerned, this will help the development team recreate, and resolve the issue.

You can log a support ticket from the "contact" link at the bottom of this page.

If you have any issues raising that please respond with an @sheppo so I get notified about it

Stuart-Beck wrote on 10/11/2019, 6:18 AM

In Acid Pro 9 (9.0.3 build 26)(this is 32-bit Acid, in Windows 7 Pro 64-bit, with all updates. But I suspect this bug has existed in many versions of Acid)

The waveform inside of "clips"/"events"/"media items" moves slightly when the edges are resized. I have encountered this when adjusting the edges of two media items (in this case, .Wav files), and then pushed "Play," and then noticed the misalignment.

Here is a video (notice the relationship between the "X" and the marker by the conclusion of the video):

This is exactly the same issue I am having, the beat-mapper issue I have could very well be tied this, indeed my personal research into this suggests it is!

Using an Acid Pro version 4 license that I have solves this issue. I find it incredible that I need to use a virtual machine (which is incredibly slow) and a license I purchased more than a decade ago to solve a current issue!