Acid Pro 8 x64 crash upon loading files

dj-bourg wrote on 4/23/2018, 11:18 AM

Hello Acid community,

Been a Acid Pro user for 11 years. I upgraded this morning to the highly anticipated 8.0 version, but it seems like Acid Pro will crash whenever it tries opening .acd files, regardless if it was created in the 7.0 or 8.0 version. It doesn't matter if I use File/open or open a file by double-clicking on it, it will still crash, twice before shutting down.

It only affects the x64 version of the software, the x32 behaves normally. I moved my VST plugins folder location so Acid will not load them, in order to see if it was the VSTs causing the issue, but it seems like it is not the case. I have restarted my computer many times and even reinstalled the software, the problem persists.

I could probably settle with using the 32-bit version but I really would like to benefit from the x64 architecture.

Here is a copy-paste of my computer specs from Help/About/Computer tab, if that can be of any help.

Thanks in advance!


Operating System
  Platform: Windows 10.0 (64-bit)
  Version: 6.01.7600
  Language: French
  System locale: French
  User locale: French

  Class: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-3770 CPU @ 3.40GHz
  Identifier: GenuineIntel
  Number of processors: 8
  MMX available: Yes
  SSE available: Yes
  SSE2 available: Yes
  SSE3 available: Yes
  SSSE3 available: Yes
  SSE4.1 available: Yes
  SSE4.2 available: Yes

  Primary: 1600x1200x32

  Physical memory: 16 271,6 MB
  Paging memory available: 18 703,7 MB


MAGIX_Redaktion wrote on 4/25/2018, 4:17 AM

Hi @dj-bourg,

welcome to! Unfortunately, I don't have an answer to your issue... it seems a little complicated to be honest (at least for me). Maybe someone else can help? @sheppo or @Animal-Nation do you have an idea?

As last resort, I recommend contacting our technical support.

Best regards,

sheppo wrote on 4/25/2018, 4:42 AM

I have seen similar problems on older versions of Acid Pro / Music, and normally it is related to plugins - specifically ones bundled with Acid. Two ways you can test that.

  1. In the plugin manager, remove all paths scanned for VST plugins - take a note of the folders used for the built in plugins first so you can add them back in later, obviously ;-)
  2. Or, if you still have older versions of the product installed is to take a copy of a project file that currently crashes, then strip any bus or track effects out, then try to load that in Acid Pro 8 x64

If the project loads after either of these this might help you identify the real issue with tech support. Ultimately if this is a bug you'd probably need to escalate to them anyway.

MK_Gesit wrote on 4/28/2018, 2:14 PM

Hi there, I'm new the to forum. But I have also been using Acid Pro for years. And last night I also upgraded from Acid Pro 7 to 8. And I also am having the same issue. Any .acd file will crash 8 if I try to open it. It doesn't matter if its a song I made in 8, or an old one I made in 7. I can still open the 7 files in 7 just fine. And I have reinstalled Acid Pro 8 twice so far, but no change.

wormdrink wrote on 4/30/2018, 3:05 PM

have you seen a pop-up that asks if you want to associate various acid file extensions? if so, make sure that it's checked as "yes". i got them immediately after opening Pro8 for the first time, and then again when i opened the older programs after initiating Pro8. Initially I ignored them, and had some difficulty getting older files to ramp into the new one. This stopped after i gave the associations permission. Not sure that this was the solution, but as I said; I had the same problem, and don't have it now.

MK_Gesit wrote on 4/30/2018, 9:07 PM

I did make sure to say "yes" to the initial prompt. Theres also a little check box there to be notified if any other applications change that setting. Ive tried saying yes, no, checking the box, unchecking the box, etc, lol...all to no avail. Just emailed support though, we'll see where it takes me. Thanks for the reply tho wormdrink.

John81 wrote on 5/1/2018, 5:37 AM

Same issue here! I have installed Acid Pro 8.0 (64-bit) on Windows 10 and I'm not able to load any project. Acid just crashes. The only project I'm able to load is the default pop/rock template. For testing purposes I've created an empty project, loaded one music file in it and saved it. Unfortunately I can't load it after that. I've tried deleting my own VST folders, running as admin, compatibility modus for Windows, changing some settings regarding media manager, going back to a previous version of Windows etc. Nothing works. So I've also created a support ticket. Let's hope for a solution!

Stevision-PwV wrote on 5/24/2018, 11:49 AM

Same issue here too. I have installed Acid Pro 8.0 (64-bit) on Windows 10 and some projects open others don't.  Also started a new project saved as Acid-zip file.  After installing new update when trying to open this project it to now causes Acid to crash.  Also can anyone help getting sound files out of acid-zip files as haven't backed anything up only as Zip file and cant remember what files were being used. 

Julian-Rivera wrote on 8/3/2018, 7:38 AM

The problem seems to be isolated to the 64-bit version.

Some of my acid-zip files did open but most didn't and after some time, I noticed that it was some of the older files that were causing the crash on opening.

It occurred to me that those files were created in the 32-bit versions of the previous versions of Acid Pro, so on a hunch, I installed the 32-bit version of AP8.

Everything opens fine in the 32-bit version.

Of course, that has its own problems as most of my VSTi's are 64-bit and major developers such as Native Instruments are phasing out their 32-bit versions.


Julian-Rivera wrote on 8/3/2018, 8:01 AM

Been experimenting a bit more and learned that if I open a file in the 32-bit version that previously wouldn't open in the 64-bit version and then save that file, it WILL then open in 64-bit.


ACID-Support wrote on 8/9/2018, 7:24 AM

Hello everyone!

Some of the crashes that were happening are fixed on the latest update ( As of right now the 64bit version can't load any 32bit plugins, so keep that in minf when loading any old projects!

Best regards,



Weltherwithsp wrote on 9/1/2018, 7:33 PM

In response to dj-bourg's issue, I am having a similar problem that involves the ASIO driver (asio4all v2.14). I found that having asio4all is the culprit that causes not just Acid Pro to crash but in my case, brings down the entire Windows 10 x64 system. In other words a hard crash upon attempting to run Acid Pro 8 (x64) on my Windows 10 system IF asio4all is installed.

I've tried a number of workarounds, including running Acid Pro 8 with admin privileges to no avail. I'm using an M-Audio keyrig 49 though MIDI is clearly not part of the issue and it seems to be related to the audio subsystem and engine.

I'll try a few more different options (installing asio4all without the rewire options enabled) and perhaps even try reinstalling Acid Pro 8 by running the installer with admin privileges and post here what I find. Seems like a lot of trouble, but I suppose there's been hurdles in every audio and music production setup I've seen.

Stay well,


mellotronworker wrote on 9/2/2018, 3:16 AM

I've just experienced the same thing for the first time. I was working on a project in Acid 8-64, saved it as an ACD file, quit Acid, then reopened it. The load counter gets to 8% and Acid just vanishes from the screen without a warning box or anything. I tried to reconfigure it without ASIO and without any VSTs at all, but it still crashes. The issue survived a cold boot of the system, so there is clearly something up somewhere with the application.

The track in question is purely audio files (no MIDI or soft synths) and has a couple of VST plug-ins for ambience, compression etc. It's hardly complicated.

It will load fine in Acid Pro 8-32 but of course with a different plug-in set it doesn't sound the same at all.

Are there diagnostic logs we can supply to get to the bottom of this?

Weltherwithsp wrote on 9/2/2018, 1:50 PM

In response to dj-bourg's issue, I am having a similar problem that involves the ASIO driver (asio4all v2.14). I found that having asio4all is the culprit that causes not just Acid Pro to crash but in my case, brings down the entire Windows 10 x64 system. In other words a hard crash upon attempting to run Acid Pro 8 (x64) on my Windows 10 system IF asio4all is installed.

I've tried a number of workarounds, including running Acid Pro 8 with admin privileges to no avail. I'm using an M-Audio keyrig 49 though MIDI is clearly not part of the issue and it seems to be related to the audio subsystem and engine.

I'll try a few more different options (installing asio4all without the rewire options enabled) and perhaps even try reinstalling Acid Pro 8 by running the installer with admin privileges and post here what I find. Seems like a lot of trouble, but I suppose there's been hurdles in every audio and music production setup I've seen.

Stay well,


I tried reinstalling asio4all with no avail with and without the rewire option. Just for note, it crashes during "Initializing UI" in the splash screen.



weevil wrote on 9/3/2018, 4:40 AM

I get this quite a bit but haven't bothered reporting it as I thought it would get ironed out automagically in an update. Seems the update fairies have not landed on it though as it is still happening. Definitely related to plugins , will investigate further.

sheppo wrote on 9/5/2018, 4:24 AM

@dj-bourg - can you confim whether the AISO4ALL issue @Weltherwithsp is having is the same as yours - this sounds like two different issues, and if that's the case let's split the forum threads in to two and tackle the problems independently.

Weltherwithsp wrote on 9/5/2018, 1:12 PM

Thank you for the response and direction in this issue. Note that with my issue, the entire system is crashed (like a BSOD without the blue screen). The whole Windows 10 x64 interface freezes, mouse, numlock, capslock and all. Without ASIO4ALL 2.14 installed it works fine, but I get no low latency driver for my MIDI in devices which as most of you know, if you want to record live MIDI takes that pretty much makes it impossible.

I have and use a variety of other Magix products as ​​​​​​well (about 5 different editions of Music Maker), and ASIO drivers have never been an issue even on this same system I'm currently using. In fact I've always been happy with them as a whole.

In the mean time I will try installing a prior version of ASIO4ALL on my system and test to see if that's the issue, starting with 2.13 -> as far back as I can go. I'll post to this thread if anything comes up unless otherwise directed.

Thanks again fellow creators!


weevil wrote on 9/28/2018, 5:01 PM

I do not appear to be having the issue anymore since the latest update.

Opening files created prior to the update still crash the app, but (so far) files created with the latest version are loading without problem.

No doubt, the crashes will come thick and fast now I have posted this. ;)

Sarge727 wrote on 4/11/2019, 8:15 AM

Been having the same problems, you name it, I have it all with Acid 8 64 bit , I hope sending the crash reports, would really make MAGIX people work on this. I am also a producer, and the crash causes me delays. And it seems that all of us here are clueless to what is going on.