Acid Pro 8 - Can't move or resize window for plugins

denny7794 wrote on 12/18/2020, 4:15 AM

Someday strange glitch occurs. And now when i load VST in Acid i can't move or resize that window. Close button on upper right coner also didn't work (only on upper left corner, and it appered only if i move mouse cursor on that area). Sometimes after Acid starts empty window with caption Acid Dock shown.

How i can fix that problem?

(Update on new 26 build of Acid Pro 8 didn't solve that).


Former user wrote on 12/20/2020, 8:02 PM

Denny, I was waiting to see if anyone had any better answer but when I had upgraded to version 8 upon it's release back in 2018, there are lots of issues with GUI. Window resizing, Piano Roll disappearing, etc. So, the problem you are having is directly connected to Acid Pro 8's unstable release. Unfortunately, I don't think there is going to be solution as there have been updates/upgrades afterwards. I am on version 10 and some of the GUI issues have been resolved to some extent however, the GUI is still jittery when zoomed in to do detail editing. Sorry for not being able to provide a solution.