Acid Pro 7 still wins the AP 8 thru 11 race

Acid-Pro-A-Dead-Stick wrote on 7/28/2022, 12:46 PM

Since I just can't find the same workflow in any other DAW, I still find myself going back to Acid if I want to make any worthwhile music due to my workflow habits I developed using AP since 1998. I'd say, version 7 is still the strongest. Just needs a "stable" update to it. I just wish Magix just only worked on that version until it was strong. The 4 years they wasted sitting on verion 8 thru 11, they could have had a stable version 7 update. I would have gladly paid for an update then. Come on Magix, we still need a stable version, please go back to version 7 and just strengthen that. I don't think cranking out non-working versions is cutting it anymore. This is a great DAW and no other DAW company has been able to copy it's workflow and GUI setup.

Anyone disagree?


SP. wrote on 7/28/2022, 1:38 PM

@Acid-Pro-A-Dead-Stick Some users suggested to not mix 32 bit and 64 bit plugins or VST2 and VST3 plugins which should help with stability. Only add a VST path to one type of these plugins.

Former user wrote on 7/28/2022, 5:30 PM

@SP. thank you for all the suggested work a rounds to help make AP work, truly kind and helpful !!!

However, the real issue is...Magix needs to fix this software...enough of users having to finding work a rounds for problems that the company should have fixed 2 versions ago. (how many years is that????)

SP. wrote on 7/28/2022, 6:22 PM

@Former user Yes, but the development apparently completely stopped in 2020 during the Covid pandemic and Magix decided to concentrate on other projects. It just re-startet one or two months ago.

Former user wrote on 7/28/2022, 7:21 PM

@SP. at the risk of making this sound like a rant (and I am not ranting) I am pointing out that Magix has dropped, fumbled and lost the ball in regards to AP. For what ever reason it seems to be an 'unimportant child' in the world of Magix. It certainly is not the cash cow that Vegas is plus AP11 is now on sale with NONE of the 'bugs' fixed from AP10,9 or 8. In other words they are selling a known unstable and broken program. Draw your own conclusions as to why, I have my own opinion. So in the end we must look at Magix for the problems we as users of AP must face. They alone are responsible for the quality of the products they sell, not you or I. As I have said before, I do thank you for all the help you've given to all those that have asked for it on this forum. Well Done SP. Kindest Regards.

Acid-Pro-A-Dead-Stick wrote on 7/28/2022, 8:16 PM

It certainly is not the cash cow that Vegas is plus AP11 is now on sale with NONE of the 'bugs' fixed from AP10,9 or 8. In other words they are selling a known unstable and broken program. Draw your own conclusions as to why, I have my own opinion.

I whole heartedly agree with you and understand your pain. Unfortunately for us, we started with AP years ago. Everyday I wish I was introduced to something else so would have never gotten into AP. As far as cash cow, if Magix was a smart company, they would have rather spent more time on this knowing their own DAW isn't the best. Acid Pro could have been a great money making product but they messed up. However, there is a small hope that it is being worked on. I stopped paying Magix after version 10 as I lost trust in this company. They will have to really come up with something promising before I put in another cent. Until then, I will stick with version 7-at least the one that works. How about hiring someone from Sony who may be willing to continue with AP. Just a bland suggestion since no one at Magix understands the power of this DAW.