Acid Pro 11

Fabrizio-Prest wrote on 5/5/2023, 5:55 AM

I'm trying to open old acd files, but every time it gives me error and I can't open them with this latest version.
Out of scruple, fearing that the files were damaged, I downloaded the Acid 7.0 demo and I've tried it and I saw that it reads them without problems: can you help me? Honestly, having two Acid Pro 11 licenses, I wouldn't want to have to buy another one of version 7 due to a problem that I believe is purely backwards compatibility of your app...
Can you provide me with a solution? Thank you.


SP. wrote on 5/5/2023, 7:35 AM

@Fabrizio-Prest Is there a specific error message?

Acid-Pro-A-Dead-Stick wrote on 5/5/2023, 10:31 AM

I'm trying to open old acd files, but every time it gives me error and I can't open them with this latest version.
Out of scruple, fearing that the files were damaged, I downloaded the Acid 7.0 demo and I've tried it and I saw that it reads them without problems: can you help me? Honestly, having two Acid Pro 11 licenses, I wouldn't want to have to buy another one of version 7 due to a problem that I believe is purely backwards compatibility of your app...
Can you provide me with a solution? Thank you.

Any version after version 7 has been extremely unstable and in some cases un-usable. Regardless of any specific errors, no one is going to have an answer for this especially now that this forum has been thinning out of loyal users. I am surprised Magix is still charging money for this DAW. I would recommend opening your files in version 7 (possibly the last stable version), export them individually so you can use the stems in another DAW if you have to.

SP. wrote on 5/5/2023, 10:41 AM


Any version after version 7 has been extremely unstable and in some cases un-usable. Regardless of any specific errors, no one is going to have an answer for this

Ignore this post, most problem can be worked around with acceptable solutions.

Fabrizio-Prest wrote on 5/5/2023, 11:14 AM

@Fabrizio-Prest Is there a specific error message?

"Warning: an error occured while loading the project file.
The file couldn't be opened. Make sure the file exists and that you have access to the file/folder."
Any suggestions?
(reminder: on Acid 7 i can access the file)

SP. wrote on 5/5/2023, 12:17 PM

@Fabrizio-Prest Can the ACID 7 demo save your project as and standard ACID file? Are you using some kind of Sony effect that might be no longer available in the newer Magix versions? Then it could help if you remove the effect, save the project (under a new file!) and try to open it in ACID 11.

Fabrizio-Prest wrote on 5/6/2023, 2:18 AM

@Fabrizio-Prest  La demo di ACID 7 può salvare il tuo progetto come file ACID standard? Stai usando una sorta di effetto Sony che potrebbe non essere più disponibile nelle nuove versioni di Magix? Quindi potrebbe essere utile rimuovere l'effetto, salvare il progetto (sotto un nuovo file!) e provare ad aprirlo in ACID 11.

Forgive me, SP, but the question should be another: I paid for the latest version and, as you said in a previous post, the problems should "be solved with acceptable solutions". I can not think of opening all the files with Acid 7 demo, which lasts only 30 days, convert and reopen. Otherwise, it would be correct to agree with the user who admits that the latest version is not up to par and It crash all the time.

Fabrizio-Prest wrote on 5/6/2023, 2:24 AM

@Fabrizio-Prest  La demo di ACID 7 può salvare il tuo progetto come file ACID standard? Stai usando una sorta di effetto Sony che potrebbe non essere più disponibile nelle nuove versioni di Magix? Quindi potrebbe essere utile rimuovere l'effetto, salvare il progetto (sotto un nuovo file!) e provare ad aprirlo in ACID 11.

Perdonami, SP, ma la domanda dovrebbe essere un'altra: ho pagato per l'ultima versione e, come hai detto in un post precedente, i problemi dovrebbero essere "essere risolti con soluzioni accettabili". Non riesco a pensare di aprire tutti i file con la demo di Acid 7, che dura solo 30 giorni, convertire e riaprire. In caso contrario, sarebbe corretto concordare con l'utente che ammette che l'ultima versione non è all'altezza e va in crash tutto il tempo.

Also, Magix should at least provide a tool to convert files from previous versions or give a full refund to those who encounter these problems: they can't call it Acid 11 if older versions are not supported.

They can simply and safely change the name of the program before launch it... it's not difficult.

As a user, honestly, I feel fooled.

SP. wrote on 5/6/2023, 4:48 AM

@Fabrizio-Prest ACID 11 might work just fine with old projects. It depends on what you did exactly with them. This could also be a problem with file access like the error messages stated. Have you tried running ACID as administrator by right clicking on the program icon?

Like I said, it is possible that some old Sony exclusive effects, which Magix couldn't bring over to the new version, might cause the problems. But then you should have a backup of your old version of ACID somewhere to access the files.

Did you register your old version with Sony? Sony transferred all old customer accounts to Magix so you can go to and log in with your old Sony login credentials. Then you should be able to download your old Sony versions under "My Products".

If you don't have access to old version you can get an time unlimited trial version of ACID 7 by installing it again in a Windows Sandbox or a virtual machine. So there is no need to hurry to get everything done in 30 days.

You can always ask sales support at for a refund.

Fabrizio-Prest wrote on 5/6/2023, 7:31 AM

@Fabrizio-Prest ACID 11 might work just fine with old projects. It depends on what you did exactly with them. This could also be a problem with file access like the error messages stated. Have you tried running ACID as administrator by right clicking on the program icon?

Like I said, it is possible that some old Sony exclusive effects, which Magix couldn't bring over to the new version, might cause the problems. But then you should have a backup of your old version of ACID somewhere to access the files.

Did you register your old version with Sony? Sony transferred all old customer accounts to Magix so you can go to and log in with your old Sony login credentials. Then you should be able to download your old Sony versions under "My Products".

If you don't have access to old version you can get an time unlimited trial version of ACID 7 by installing it again in a Windows Sandbox or a virtual machine. So there is no need to hurry to get everything done in 30 days.

You can always ask sales support at for a refund.

Thanks so much for the info! How do I get an unlimited version of Acid 7 on a virtual machine??? Can you explain me how to do it?

SP. wrote on 5/6/2023, 7:52 AM

@Fabrizio-Prest You can reinstall Windows inside the virtual machine as often as you want and then it's like a clean new system. To reinstall Windows just restart the computer while holding the SHIFT key on your keyboard. This will open a menu where you can reset everything. Or just delete the virtual machine and create a new one. Then reinstall the ACID 7 demo.

I recommend using Vmware Player because you can connect USB devices like audio interfaces to it.

Fabrizio-Prest wrote on 5/6/2023, 9:30 AM

@Fabrizio-Prest You can reinstall Windows inside the virtual machine as often as you want and then it's like a clean new system. To reinstall Windows just restart the computer while holding the SHIFT key on your keyboard. This will open a menu where you can reset everything. Or just delete the virtual machine and create a new one. Then reinstall the ACID 7 demo.

I recommend using Vmware Player because you can connect USB devices like audio interfaces to it.

Thank you very much for helping! Regardless, it seems like a big hassle to do every 30 days…

Air wrote on 5/6/2023, 10:13 AM

@Fabrizio-Prest In spite of what of what 'SP' suggests do NOT ignore 'AP11 is crashing to's comment. He is spot on. As helpful as 'SP' is and make no mistake you can see he is by reading this forum, he's doing a bang up of job of finding and suggesting work arounds to the endless problems of AP, however, the bigger picture is being obscured. WHICH IS, the software itself. You, I, SP 'fill in the blank' didn't buy a piece of software to learn all the work arounds to make the program work properly. Making the program work properly is the responsibility of the company selling it not the end-users. I don't have a single audio or video programs that requires end-user work arounds to function properly except AP10 and I stopped using it a few years ago. So, in the end is it worth jumping through all the work around hoops to make AP work properly? That of course is up to you. Kind Regards.

SP. wrote on 5/6/2023, 11:06 AM

@Air These discussions about the software not working correctly and people getting angry about it are happening everywhere, just look at forums of Steinberg, Native Instruments, etc.

It's the old story about the grass being always greener on the other side.

I think we all agree that ACID development is completely dead, so there is nothing other to do than workarounds. There won't be any other improvements to make it work properly.

Air wrote on 5/6/2023, 6:29 PM

Hello @SP. It's because the grass IS greener and it gets watered and cared for unlike... As to NI, Steinberg etc. I own these products and check their forums. Virtually all those problems are user issues NOT systemic program flaws, bugs etc. and when there are such issues they tend to be addressed rather quickly by the developer...unlike... So, in the end is it worth jumping through all the work around hoops to make AP work properly? Is your creative process dependent on a program with this sort of history AND future? If so carry on and ANYONE using this forum owes you (and a couple of others, i.e Sheppo) more than they can ever hope to repay for all that you do here. There are ethical issues present here but the oh so kind moderators won't allow such discussions, so we won't go there. as always kindest regards.

Acid-Pro-A-Dead-Stick wrote on 5/11/2023, 1:01 AM

Hello @SP. It's because the grass IS greener and it gets watered and cared for unlike... As to NI, Steinberg etc. I own these products and check their forums. Virtually all those problems are user issues NOT systemic program flaws, bugs etc. and when there are such issues they tend to be addressed rather quickly by the developer...unlike... So, in the end is it worth jumping through all the work around hoops to make AP work properly? Is your creative process dependent on a program with this sort of history AND future? If so carry on and ANYONE using this forum owes you (and a couple of others, i.e Sheppo) more than they can ever hope to repay for all that you do here. There are ethical issues present here but the oh so kind moderators won't allow such discussions, so we won't go there. as always kindest regards.

So....were either of you able to help out with the original problem? Instead of suggesting to "ignore" my post. figure out problems by "work arounds"? What?

Acid-Pro-A-Dead-Stick wrote on 5/11/2023, 1:02 AM

@Air These discussions about the software not working correctly and people getting angry about it are happening everywhere, just look at forums of Steinberg, Native Instruments, etc.

It's the old story about the grass being always greener on the other side.

I think we all agree that ACID development is completely dead, so there is nothing other to do than workarounds. There won't be any other improvements to make it work properly.

HENCE, what I said still stands! Unable to provide a solution and yet, suggesting to ignore my post. Right.

Fabrizio-Prest wrote on 5/11/2023, 1:21 AM

sp. è stato gentile e mi ha fornito supporto e proposto soluzioni alternative e, per questo, lo ringrazio. Tuttavia, non c'è dubbio che l'ultima versione di Acid sia pessima, crasha in continuazione e non merita i soldi che servono, prima di tutto per la mancanza di retrocompatibilità con le versioni precedenti che, di fatto, , non permetterebbe agli sviluppatori di chiamarlo "Acid" e, in secondo luogo, per l'assenza di bugfixing/sviluppo e la totale assenza di supporto. Tutto questo, a mio avviso, deve tradursi in un ritiro del software e in un rimborso agli utenti vittime di questa "truffa".

Acid-Pro-A-Dead-Stick wrote on 5/11/2023, 4:06 AM

sp. è stato gentile e mi ha fornito supporto e proposto soluzioni alternative e, per questo, lo ringrazio. Tuttavia, non c'è dubbio che l'ultima versione di Acid sia pessima, crasha in continuazione e non merita i soldi che servono, prima di tutto per la mancanza di retrocompatibilità con le versioni precedenti che, di fatto, , non permetterebbe agli sviluppatori di chiamarlo "Acid" e, in secondo luogo, per l'assenza di bugfixing/sviluppo e la totale assenza di supporto. Tutto questo, a mio avviso, deve tradursi in un ritiro del software e in un rimborso agli utenti vittime di questa "truffa".


Air wrote on 5/11/2023, 7:20 PM

@Acid-Pro-A-Dead-Stick I beg your pardon, but I didn't ignore your post as a matter of fact I posted 'not to ignore' what you posted. As to solving any 'issues' with AP, @Fabrizio-Prest said it best and I couldn't agree more!!! The short of it is, cut your losses (creative and financial) with AP and find a DAW that works for you. We are all beating a 'dead horse' on this site and with this DAW.

Truely, Kind Regards.

Acid-Pro-A-Dead-Stick wrote on 5/12/2023, 6:44 AM

@Acid-Pro-A-Dead-Stick I beg your pardon, but I didn't ignore your post as a matter of fact I posted 'not to ignore' what you posted. As to solving any 'issues' with AP, @Fabrizio-Prest said it best and I couldn't agree more!!! The short of it is, cut your losses (creative and financial) with AP and find a DAW that works for you. We are all beating a 'dead horse' on this site and with this DAW.

Truely, Kind Regards.

Apologies for misunderstanding. But I really dislike the fact that some of the admins and a handful of users are still advocating for Magix' failures. Acid Pro is a dead product and Magix should refund every single customer as this really was a scam! Anyone suggesting "work arounds" as solution at this point is just as bad.

Air wrote on 5/12/2023, 9:57 AM

@Acid-Pro-A-Dead-Stick HEAR HEAR !!! I've been saying this about AP for a few years. People are starting to wake up to the facts about AP and its developers. I think my days of coming to this forum are coming to an end, like I said we're beating a 'dead horse' here.

I now predict that this thread will be shut down by the mod's as 'not being constructive.'

So, all the best to you in all of your creative travels. Kindest regards.

PATIENT-X wrote on 5/12/2023, 10:01 AM

@Acid-Pro-A-Dead-Stick @Air

Hello welcome

I use Acid Pro 7 for my own reasons, as long as the discussions between users are respectable I see no issue closing this thread.

You are entitled to your opinion as a customer of said products.

But yes please keep it constructive 😊


Forum Moderator

Last changed by PATIENT-X on 5/12/2023, 10:06 AM, changed a total of 2 times.

Pc self build by me.

Azza Pyramid 804 case

Intel Core i5-13600K Processor 3.5GHz

Kingston FURY Beast 32GB (16GB x 2) 4800MHz DDR5

Geforce RTX2080 Founders edition

Firecuda 530 1tb SSD Nvme


Corsair RM1000x 80 PLUS Gold Fully Modular ATX 1000 Watt Power Supply

5in LCD Screen

Lian Li UNI SL120 V2 triple fans

MSI Meg Unify Z690 motherboard



Fabrizio-Prest wrote on 5/13/2023, 1:22 AM

@Acid-Pro-A-Dead-Stick @Air

Ciao benvenuto

Uso Acid Pro 7 per i miei motivi, fintanto che le discussioni tra utenti sono rispettabili non vedo problemi a chiudere questo thread.

Hai diritto alla tua opinione come cliente di tali prodotti.

Ma sì, per favore mantienilo costruttivo 😊


Moderatore del Foro

Hello Moderator,

nice to meet you!  

May I ask what are the reasons that lead you to use Acid 7?


PATIENT-X wrote on 5/13/2023, 5:41 AM



Nice to meet you too.

I won Acid Pro 7 in a remix contest at Acid Planet many years ago.


Forum Moderator

Pc self build by me.

Azza Pyramid 804 case

Intel Core i5-13600K Processor 3.5GHz

Kingston FURY Beast 32GB (16GB x 2) 4800MHz DDR5

Geforce RTX2080 Founders edition

Firecuda 530 1tb SSD Nvme


Corsair RM1000x 80 PLUS Gold Fully Modular ATX 1000 Watt Power Supply

5in LCD Screen

Lian Li UNI SL120 V2 triple fans

MSI Meg Unify Z690 motherboard