ACID Pro 10 - Slow Saves

Nicholas-Hendry wrote on 10/21/2022, 11:27 AM

Hey all,

I am stuck on an issue and need some help. I have a user experiencing extremely slow saves when saving a file in ACID Pro 10. The same problem was happening with Sound Forge Pro 14 but I managed the resolve that.

I noticed that saving was OK with Sound Forge from a different user account in Windows so I went ahead and rebuilt the user's Windows 10 profile. That fixed the issue for a few hours but then it came right back. The only permanent fix that I have been able to find is uninstalling the 64-bit version of Sound Forge 14 and installing the 32-bit version in its place. Not ideal, but it seems to be working.

The problem is that there does not appear to be a 32-bit version of ACID Pro 10. Has anyone ever experienced anything like this? The software is otherwise behaving normally but I am talking about it taking 5-10 minutes to save a simple file.

The computer is running Windows 10 Enterprise on a domain network. We use Trend Micro for our AV but I am hesitant to point my finger at that being the cause because Sound Forge is now working since I installed the 32-bit version. Any help or insight would be greatly appreciated.


sheppo wrote on 10/21/2022, 1:20 PM

Hi @Nicholas-Hendry - can't say I've seen this particular issue myself. Out of interest, are you saving a standard .acd file, or are you saving project media with the file, or creating an acid archive? I could understand why the last option might be slow if you have a lot of large files in your project, and you're saving it to a slow hard disk.

Nicholas-Hendry wrote on 10/21/2022, 4:24 PM

You'll have to excuse me. I am not an audio guy. Just regular 'ole IT. I misspoke when I said, "save". What I really meant was that this happens when the user renders a file.