ACID loops cutting off after the first measure

Allen-Taylor wrote on 6/29/2021, 6:39 PM

I cannot insert drum loops of more than a few measures. I'm certain others have had this issue. Please let me know what's going on. I also cannot upload my support request to your system so will really need someone to assist. MAGIX support will not help me. When I try to open a new ticket on their support website I get an error message that says "the support request cannot be saved".

This is incredibly frustrating. I haven't been able to use the software properly for about a month now. I should have bought Ableton Live.

Can anyone assist?



Allen-Taylor wrote on 7/3/2021, 4:50 PM
I reinstalled the program this afternoon and the issue persists. AmanSingh gave me a very helpful comment about Beatmapped vs. One-shots for recorded audio. I tried selecting both but did not resolve the problem. See screenshot showing where loops painted in but get cut off after first measure and the rest of the area is blank. I wonder if the "fx" designation has something to do with this. I would appreciate any assistance with this. 




Former user wrote on 7/3/2021, 5:18 PM
I reinstalled the program this afternoon and the issue persists. AmanSingh gave me a very helpful comment about Beatmapped vs. One-shots for recorded audio. I tried selecting both but did not resolve the problem. See screenshot showing where loops painted in but get cut off after first measure and the rest of the area is blank. I wonder if the "fx" designation has something to do with this. I would appreciate any assistance with this. 




Allen, you're welcome. You are almost there. (Sorry I had deleted my reply. I don't come here to provide support anymore as I am sick of trolls who are here to aggrevate each other).

You tried between Beatmapped and One Shot. You need to make the sound in "loop" mode. Basically you want to be able to paint a non-stop loop, correct?

Make sure your beat is in a perfect loop measure for it to loop correctly.

I used AP version 7 to show you this as version 10 is garbage. Its full of bugs and crashes on my PC. Version 7 still works fine. And if you want to remove that annoying "fx" button?

Allen-Taylor wrote on 7/3/2021, 6:07 PM

Hi Aman,

Thanks so much for your quick response. I am definitely not here to troll anyone. Just want to start making music again. Do you know how to set ACID type to loop in AP 10? Screenshots would be extremely helpful as I'm just getting back into this again. Unfortunately I don't have AP 7. (Although I think I may have AP 6 somewhere...) Wow, that's discouraging to think you had to downgrade 3 versions just to get it to work. The weirdest thing is that it just started doing this about a month ago which makes me think I did something wrong. And now that you mention it I would tend to agree about all the bugs. I have had tons of crashes using AP 10. I thought it was my computer. If I leave a session on for more than an hour or so I have to restart my computer. ACID used to be a great product. Shame.

Many thanks!

Former user wrote on 7/3/2021, 9:04 PM

Hey Allen, did you not receive the screenshot I sent with my last reply? I showed where you can change to loop, the layout of version 7 and 10 is same. The color scheme has just been changed. Let me know if you need help removing the 'fx' button at the end of each loop. I am an avid AP user since it's first launch in 98. I can help you navigate and get started. Its a great DAW. My only wish was that Magix doesn't do anything but simply change version 7 to 64 bit. I did not want ANYTHING else. But they killed it!

shkr wrote on 7/4/2021, 2:30 AM

Allen - AmanSingh gave you the correct solution: right click the event, select "clip properties" and there you can choose your event to be "one shot" or "beatmapped" or "loop". Also what you can check is go to options menu, select preferences than choose "audio" tab and there is an option "open files as loops if between (seconds)" where you can decide how Acid deals with new files you put into the project. This should work.

Allen-Taylor wrote on 7/4/2021, 3:27 PM

Aman - you did it! Thank you so much. I tried your approach the other day and it only gave me the options for Beatmapper and One Shot but somehow magically (lol) it gave me the loop option today. 2 follow up questions (and just let me know if I am annoying you) it appears that I will have to do this with every loop I open. This was definitely not the case with my earlier versions of ACID. Any idea why? Could it be because I am using a database of late 90s / 00s purchased AP loops? It's going to be really inconvenient but will work. Question 2: am I crazy or is there no user manual out there for AP 10?? Do you have any suggestions as to AP resources. I don't understand. The only MAGIX released resources I can find are a few tutorials and marketing videos from Magix. I'd really like to go deep with this software this time. Thanks again Aman. You are awesome!


Former user wrote on 7/4/2021, 5:43 PM

Hey Allen, you're welcome but you are not annoying. It is select few people who come here just to argue to prove a non-sense point and losing the sight of a common goal :)

Anyway, now to your questions:

1. AcidPro is all about looping. So you getting a Beatmapped or a One shot is depending on your Audio settings in your Audio Tab just as Shkr pointed out. But in your case, you are recording fresh audio if I am correct. So, when you do that, it reverts to Beatmapped as you have it set as that in Audio Tab in options. However, when you double click a sound (loop) from the browser on the bottom, Acid reads that as loop ready for you to paint it. But remember, it has to be a perfectly timed loop. Like 4 bar, 8 bar and so on. If it is a really short sample, Acid will either place it as a loop or a one shot. But, it if it is a really long sample, Acid might revert to Beatmapped.

2. As far as user manual, I am surprised Magix even brought out version 10, let alone a manual. I hate to say it, they themselves need a manual for this thing. So I wouldn't expect them to release a manual. I personally don't think there is one but like I said, I will help you get around AP no problem. You can either DM me or just create a post and ask your question. I check in here every so often to read other people's frustration.

Have fun.

shkr wrote on 7/5/2021, 12:11 AM

Regarding the manual - I think there is one. When I log to my magix account where I can download Acid installer there's also pdf manual to download. I think this should be the same for everybody, but with Acid you never know ;)

Former user wrote on 7/5/2021, 12:21 AM

Regarding the manual - I think there is one. When I log to my magix account where I can download Acid installer there's also pdf manual to download. I think this should be the same for everybody, but with Acid you never know ;)

Yes you are right, there might be one. LOL. But I never had to read one. AcidPro was always intuitive for me. Simplest layout in a DAW. double click something in explorer, it drops an empty track ready for you to paint. I wish some other DAW company could have seen the potential in that workflow so we wouldn't be stuck with a bugged software. Lately, I have been re-using version 7 and for some reason, it works without a problem. Just can't use 64 bit plugins but I mix stems in Cubase anyway.