
Former user wrote on 2/7/2021, 9:51 AM

There are a number of things that can go wrong with the process you're using. 1st, are the sample rates the same when you render in EZK (44100, 48000 etc) to the sample rate in AP? 2,are the tempos the same in EZK and AP? The distortion issue can be caused by any number of things, the volume of EZK(before rendering), the volume on the rendered wav. file, the play back volume of the channel in AP, MOST, not all, of the time distortion is volume related at some point in the chain.

May I suggest using EZK as a VSTi plugin in AP and creating your song that way. You'll find tempos will be the same as EZK will use the tempo set in AP then render the EZK part in AP. Cheers

brian-johnson wrote on 2/7/2021, 1:56 PM

Will follow through with your advice! Thank you, Maxtheschu!

Former user wrote on 2/7/2021, 5:21 PM

brian-johnson, if you want to talk any more about EZK let me know as I use it on a number of sessions. Best of luck and Cheers


brian-johnson wrote on 2/8/2021, 11:17 AM


Maxtheschu, really appreciate your help! If I run into any more issues, I'll definitely get with you!

Thank you,
