ACID 11 Quits responding.

Jared-Emery wrote on 9/6/2024, 9:21 PM


Once installed, it locks up and quits working. brand new installation on a gaming computer. below are my computer specs.

I get 2 audio and 1 midi track recorded, then i playback the midi to trigger the synth and record that output back into acid. I havent gotten further than that due to the ACID 11 IS NOT RESPONDING error


Any ideas?

Processor    11th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-11400F @ 2.60GHz   2.59 GHz
Installed RAM    16.0 GB (15.9 GB usable)
Device ID    F69F4307777777777777778CB1-5BDD7DA6BDF3
Product ID    00325-97285-08988-AAOEM
System type    64-bit operating system, x64-based processor
Pen and touch    No pen or touch input is available for this display


Edition    Windows 10 Home
Version    22H2
Installed on    ‎3/‎4/‎2022
OS build    19045.4780
Experience    Windows Feature Experience Pack 1000.19060.1000.0




Jared-Emery wrote on 9/6/2024, 9:31 PM

I cant record more that 1 audio and 1 midi track, then i get this. can anyone help? Its a lot of money just to lose

SP. wrote on 9/6/2024, 9:33 PM

@Jared-Emery You can try to reset the program settings. Hold CTRL and SHIFT and double click on the program icon to start Acid. Keep holding CTRL and SHIFT until a small window appears that will ask you if you want to reset the settings.

Maybe your Windows installation has a problem? First, try to install all pending Windows updates and restart your computer. Make sure to select the Restart option and not the Shut down option.

Windows also has a repair feature. Open the command prompt as administrator, type sfc /scannow and press Enter.

Windows will now check its components tries to repair them. If sfc isn't able to repair your system and shows an error try

DISM /Online /Cleanup-Image /RestoreHealth

After that, try sfc /scannow again.

See also here:

Jared-Emery wrote on 9/7/2024, 7:59 AM

I have done everything you described above.

I originally purchased acid 11 music studio, then realized i should have purchased the acid 11 pro suite. so i did that.

i had them both installed so i uninstalled acid11 music and got the same error.

then i uninstalled and reinstalled acid pro suite 11, and i get the same error in the program window "ACID Pro Suite (Not Responding)", then when i right click to close the window on my task bar it states "ACID Pro 10 Suite is Not Responding, if you close the program you will lose unsaved information. > close, > wait for it to respond...... I then close it.


why did it say acid 10?


Now what do i do?

emmrecs wrote on 9/7/2024, 8:26 AM


Assuming you used the default Uninstaller for both programs it is possible that the uninstalls and reinstalls have actually compounded the problem since there are certain files, folders and registry entries which are created on the first and subsequent runs of the program about which that default uninstaller does not know and so does not remove. It may be it is those unremoved items that are causing the problem for you.

However, as a first step you might like to look at this tutorial which explains how to try and discover exactly what is causing the problem.

Assuming that it cannot be "fixed" by any other means I would recommend downloading and installing the free Revo Uninstaller, running it and directing it to uninstall both versions of Acid which you had. Its Advanced Search option will thoroughly check your whole computer for any possible links to either program. As such, if you have any other Magix programs installed do check carefully what it tells you it thinks should be removed before confirming such removal since, without doing so, you risk any other Magix program not working. (At this point in the running of Revo you can accept or not exactly which items it will remove.)


Forum Moderator

Win 11 Pro 64 bit, Intel i7 14700, 32 GB RAM, NVidia RTX 4060 and Intel UHD770 Graphics, Audient EVO 16 audio interface, VPX, MEP, Music Maker, Vegas Pro, PhotoStory Deluxe, Photo Manager Deluxe, Xara 3D Maker 7, Samplitude Pro X7 Suite, Reaper, Adobe Audition 3, CS6 and CC, 2 x Canon HG10 cameras, 1 x Canon EOS 600D, Akaso EK7000 Pro Action Cam

SP. wrote on 9/7/2024, 8:29 AM

@Jared-Emery Acid Pro 10 and 11 are more or less identical, except version 11 has an important bugfix in the plugin chainer and a bunch of additional VST plugins from Brainworx. So, it's likely that the developers just simply didn't rename the program correctly.

If resetting the settings didn't help, please check the audio device driver in the program preferences. What is selected there? Have you tried to apply a different driver?

PATIENT-X wrote on 9/7/2024, 8:33 AM


Hello, Welcome

You could also contact Magix at if all else fails.


Forum Moderator

Pc self build by me.

Azza Pyramid 804 case

Intel Core i5-13600K Processor 3.5GHz

Kingston FURY Beast 32GB (16GB x 2) 4800MHz DDR5

Geforce RTX2080 Founders edition

Firecuda 530 1tb SSD Nvme


Corsair RM1000x 80 PLUS Gold Fully Modular ATX 1000 Watt Power Supply

5in LCD Screen

Lian Li UNI SL120 V2 triple fans

MSI Meg Unify Z690 motherboard



Jared-Emery wrote on 9/7/2024, 9:21 AM


Assuming you used the default Uninstaller for both programs it is possible that the uninstalls and reinstalls have actually compounded the problem since there are certain files, folders and registry entries which are created on the first and subsequent runs of the program about which that default uninstaller does not know and so does not remove. It may be it is those unremoved items that are causing the problem for you.

However, as a first step you might like to look at this tutorial which explains how to try and discover exactly what is causing the problem.

Assuming that it cannot be "fixed" by any other means I would recommend downloading and installing the free Revo Uninstaller, running it and directing it to uninstall both versions of Acid which you had. Its Advanced Search option will thoroughly check your whole computer for any possible links to either program. As such, if you have any other Magix programs installed do check carefully what it tells you it thinks should be removed before confirming such removal since, without doing so, you risk any other Magix program not working. (At this point in the running of Revo you can accept or not exactly which items it will remove.)


Forum Moderator

the crashing occurred before I had uninstalled anything. its what initially caused me to contact you.

I ran the diagnostics tool and all errors are caused by AppHangB1, which according to google, has to do with plugins.

I will run the uninstall tool in a minute.



Jared-Emery wrote on 9/7/2024, 10:12 AM

@Jared-Emery Acid Pro 10 and 11 are more or less identical, except version 11 has an important bugfix in the plugin chainer and a bunch of additional VST plugins from Brainworx. So, it's likely that the developers just simply didn't rename the program correctly.

If resetting the settings didn't help, please check the audio device driver in the program preferences. What is selected there? Have you tried to apply a different driver?

I am using my simple focusrite 2i2 for audio and using my sub phatty with usb. both them are present in the audio device drive in the program preferences.


i ran the Revo Uninstaller, reinstalled ACID, then it updated my version to and still got Problem Event Name:    AppHangB1 once I ran the reliability monitor.

The only plugins i own are Neural DSP plugins for guitar.

Now what do i do?



Jared-Emery wrote on 9/7/2024, 10:13 AM

I was however able to record 5 audio tracks off of one midi track i recorded. it always crashes when i push stop on recording.

Jared-Emery wrote on 9/7/2024, 10:13 AM

heres the problem details:


A problem caused this program to stop interacting with Windows.
Faulting Application Path:    C:\Program Files\ACID\ACID Pro Suite 11.0\acidsuite.exe

Problem signature
Problem Event Name:    AppHangB1
Application Name:    acidsuite.exe
Application Version:
Application Timestamp:    639995d6
Hang Signature:    04d7
Hang Type:    134217728
OS Version:    10.0.19045.
Locale ID:    1033
Additional Hang Signature 1:    04d71e4f8ab18866fb98031dbb77f92b
Additional Hang Signature 2:    56ea
Additional Hang Signature 3:    56eab69b686df665ca5673d28995f13a
Additional Hang Signature 4:    04d7
Additional Hang Signature 5:    04d71e4f8ab18866fb98031dbb77f92b
Additional Hang Signature 6:    56ea
Additional Hang Signature 7:    56eab69b686df665ca5673d28995f13a

Extra information about the problem
Bucket ID:    0bc3d5f6859006cce1a61b074e9c0e57 (1271733662976314967)

SP. wrote on 9/7/2024, 11:17 AM

@Jared-Emery Have you already tried another audio driver in the program preferences?

Jared-Emery wrote on 9/7/2024, 1:21 PM

I have switched the audio driver to another one (windows classic wave driver)and no crashes.

I updated the driver on my 2i2 and no crashes.

it seems the problem was my out dated driver.


Thank you SO much for your help over the past 24 hours!