jaasilm1 wrote on 2/5/2014, 11:03 AM

[on Toshiba, Equium, P300, laptop/OS: Win 7 - The problem is starting up my brand new website].

I was interested in George's reply to dav-lyn about the 'website under construction' message . George's reply was very informative. I have a similar problem to dav-lyn's. But I can go one further;  I can't even get into my website (just bought about 4 days ago). I am either asked to register and pay for my site again, or I can only get into a screen which says something like 'this is a site under construction'.

I think by the time I've managed to get in to set up my site with templates, texts, etc., my site's usefullness or validity will have expired. I have made enquiries from MAGIX Support teams, but so far they have answered my other query on a different topic, but nothing on this crucial set-up topic. I have used MAGIX Cleaning Lab for cassettes, and for playing my own music. It never posed any problems. But this Website Maker is, up to now, a real "non-starter" (literally) for me. I'm an author, and I need this thing up and running, not standing still!!! 

May I congratulate you, George, on what I think is an excellent answer to dav-lyn's question. I certainly sympathise with dav-lyn too, and you have opened my eyes to what may become a permanent headache. I may regret having bought this package. MAGIX please copy and take action!

Joe A A Silmon-Monerri, Manchester, UK.


gandjcarr wrote on 2/5/2014, 2:19 PM

Hi Joe,

I saw your post so I thought I would offer a couple of comments.  First, since this is a user forum, you are not likely to get many if any Magix employees to see your post.  One of the moderators could escalate your concerns, but they are not Magix employees either, just volunteers like the rest of us.

The problem with most of the on line site builders is that they sound really good on paper but rarely deliver to expectations.  Especially with companies who are not really in the domain registration and or hosting business.  

I create web sites as part of my business, and I have used the Xara Web Designer Product for years and have never had a problem with the application.  It is stable, many of the "drag and drop" features of the Web Site Maker product but far more flexible, and as your needs change, far more useful.  I also no longer use Magix for any domain registration or hosting because that is farmed out to a third party, and renewals are a nightmare.

I personally use Godaddy for all hosting and registration activites and have never had a problem.  I can upload my sites, process changes, etc via ftp and never a glitch or problem logging in to my accounts. 

I actually love most Magix products but domain hosting and registration, and online applications are not something I would reccomend at this time.

Sorry if you are dissapointed, and thank you for your very nice comments about my reply to dav-lyn.  I am a big Magix supporter most of the time, but sometimes they get it wrong, and this product is one of those times.

If you decide to go for the Xara product, we can continue this discussion here on this forum and I can help you out, or you can send me a private message with your contact info. and I can help as best as I can via email.  Either way, I am not trying to drum up business, so don't worry about me asking you for any money unless you ask me to build your site for you.


ps. I have no idea why there are links showing on the reply I did not place them there, probably need to check my OS for some form or malware.

jaasilm1 wrote on 2/5/2014, 8:30 PM

Hello George,

I have tried to send a thank you note via this means; but I think the system has gobbled it up. If this one gets through, I would like you to know how much I appreciated your willingness to help me in my plight.  I hope the longer reply - posed as an answer -  gets through. It was very detailed. I am receiving some help from MAGIX staff in Germany and I think the USA. But no luck so far in starting up the website.

Many thanks again, George. Take care, I will remember your offer of further help. I must now wait and see.

Joe S-M.