[on Toshiba, Equium, P300, laptop/OS: Win 7 - The problem is starting up my brand new website].
I was interested in George's reply to dav-lyn about the 'website under construction' message . George's reply was very informative. I have a similar problem to dav-lyn's. But I can go one further; I can't even get into my website (just bought about 4 days ago). I am either asked to register and pay for my site again, or I can only get into a screen which says something like 'this is a site under construction'.
I think by the time I've managed to get in to set up my site with templates, texts, etc., my site's usefullness or validity will have expired. I have made enquiries from MAGIX Support teams, but so far they have answered my other query on a different topic, but nothing on this crucial set-up topic. I have used MAGIX Cleaning Lab for cassettes, and for playing my own music. It never posed any problems. But this Website Maker is, up to now, a real "non-starter" (literally) for me. I'm an author, and I need this thing up and running, not standing still!!!
May I congratulate you, George, on what I think is an excellent answer to dav-lyn's question. I certainly sympathise with dav-lyn too, and you have opened my eyes to what may become a permanent headache. I may regret having bought this package. MAGIX please copy and take action!
Joe A A Silmon-Monerri, Manchester, UK.