about music maker 2014 trial

dj4medjb wrote on 2/16/2014, 9:36 AM
I'm on my 4th day of the 30 trial. The problem I'm having is converting my track from mmm to wave or mp3. I've followed the instructions from the company but it still doesn't seem to work.am I not able to do this because I'm using the 30 day trial? I'm wanting to upload to Soundcloud but the track needs to be way or mp3.


Former user wrote on 2/16/2014, 6:56 PM

Usually the 30 day trials just lack lots of extra soundpool samples,  Vita/VST stuff, and instrument and synth packages....you do get some but not  all the good stuff.  I have never heard of the bassic functions not working because obaviously Magix wants to make a sale....therefore i would think that your problem lies elsewhere...aparameter or option not set correctly, something of this nature....poke around and get bac to us.