A song I was working on froze, sticking and replaying one note constantly. Now the file refuses to play at all.

Eleyan wrote on 5/15/2014, 11:26 PM

I have had so much trouble with glitches with Magix Music Maker I wanted to get a clean intro and first verse for a song then export it as an Mp3.  During this process, after most of the work was done, Magix seemed to get confused and froze, sticking and replaying one note over and over.  The only way to stop this was to go to Windows Task Manager and stop the process.   From then on, although Magix will show me the file I was working on, it won't let me open it anymore.   It's utterly infuriating.  Has anyone else had this problem?

Another thing it was doing was playing a single plain piano note at one point in a synth creation, which was definitely not there to begin with and despite having clear area on the tracks below would only stop when I

silenced the tracks beneath the synth track.  Then as soon as I unsilenced the other tracks it would start up, yet there was no other data below the synth track at that point, and that extra sound just shouldn't be there.  I checked it in Midi Object editor and no "extra" information was present.   Damn if I know.  I can't get anything done while the non stop problems are occurring.  It's distracting and if you ask me why would I not buy the Professional version?   Well, why would I?  Let me get the supposed beta home version happening first before I spend more money.   If it wasn't for the lovely OGG samples it creates I would have thrown it and everything to do with it against the wall  3 months ago.   Damn right, I'm emotional, but I'll get over it if someone is able to tell me how to fix it.  so has anyone experienced any of this?   cheers.


nihon94 wrote on 5/16/2014, 2:24 AM

Please also add some additional information that will be helpful to guide your properly by someone who might have been in situation like yours.

Your Music Maker version

Are you using trial version? ( I guess by reading your problem)

Your computer operating system?



Former user wrote on 5/16/2014, 2:48 PM

Loved your letter....it had such depth and passion, instead of "Its broke, now what ?  . Thanks"  To embellish o n Nihon's responce....how did you manage to get a trial version to work for three months ?  Magix may be wanting to talk you.  lIn any case...apparently its been workiing for you until recently.  Have you tried saving your work up to your problem area and then re-inputting the rest of your music ?  Have you tried deleting the one bar of music where this piano note sounds, do playback and see if its gone and if it is, reinsert the bar anew.  Have you ever defragged your hard drive ? Have you ever done a Repair routine on your Magix program ?  Sometimes when you are doing a  lot of different steps in Magix, you forget where you are/were and leave a particular instructioin active and leave the work page and move on to something else and it causes you problems that you doon't "see"  until later a you can't figure out whats wrong.  Good luck....I'll follow your posts.  Once its fixed, please let  us know