A project covering dancers on a lighted dance floor show the dancers with a 'halo'/ghosting surround. This is not on the DV tape. Would love to know the cause. Thank you: joecherish

joecherish wrote on 6/1/2013, 4:12 AM

Problem is that it ruins the finished article.

Has only happened on this project

i7 chip 6gb memory (Acer Aspire 5755G)

Windows 7

Mgix video pro plus 2013


terrypin wrote on 6/3/2013, 2:23 AM



I assume there are no effects applied to the 'haloed' object?

Really needs a screenshot to make progress. But also try copy/pasting the project into a new movie and see if the halo survives.

BTW, the message Subject is normally expected to contain just a brief heading with the details in the large message window. Like emails.


Terry, East Grinstead, UK

Last changed by terrypin on 6/3/2013, 2:23 AM, changed a total of 1 times.

Terry, East Grinstead, UK. PC: i7 6700K, 4.0 GHz, 32GB with Win 10 pro. Used many earlier versions of MEPP, currently mainly MEPP 2016 & 2017 (Using scores of macro scripts to add functionality, tailored to these versions.)

terrypin wrote on 6/7/2013, 3:32 AM

Would love to know the cause.


Would love some feedback.


Terry, East Grinstead, UK

Last changed by terrypin on 6/7/2013, 3:32 AM, changed a total of 1 times.

Terry, East Grinstead, UK. PC: i7 6700K, 4.0 GHz, 32GB with Win 10 pro. Used many earlier versions of MEPP, currently mainly MEPP 2016 & 2017 (Using scores of macro scripts to add functionality, tailored to these versions.)