Any help please?
I guess it is almost like asking for a needle in a haystack but here goes.
I have a 4K video on timeline using MEP 2016 Premium.
It is 50 minutes long.
I am trying to export as an MPEG 4 file (full 4k resolution) to a new Seagate 4TB external HD.
It simply freezes at various times....the latest being 10 hours in to exporting!
It has frozen at different points....say 3, 6, 7 hours etc.
I have a quad core, 8gb Ram PC...but it looks as if it was goping to take 15 hours to make/export!
It was at 14GB when it last stopped at 10 hours suggesting another 5 hours to go.
Any thoughts or ideas plase.
Many thanks
4K Export Freezing (was SO frustrating.....)
wrote on 9/9/2016, 2:00 AM