32bit plugin does not work properly in SF Pro 10

mirrorman wrote on 11/4/2016, 6:46 AM

Hi there,

I have a case here I am unable to fix.

I bought SVF-42 filter 32bit plugin and installed it on my PC (64bit, i7, 8RAM)

I did a plugin scan in SF Pro 10 and it found it.

When I load the plugin it appears correctly - I can turn all the knobs, sliders etc. but th eplugin itself does not affect the sound. There are led volume lamps and they are not blinking while the playing the file so it looks like the audio is not routed through the plugin or so..


Don't know what to do - I contacted the support guy (the plugin company (slicksquare) does not exis any longer) and we tried to solve it but none of the advices helped. He tested on his pc and it worked fine.

He said that even if the plugin is 32bit it works perfectly on 64bit OS so defintely this is not  case.

The plugin is switched on, in case you asked.

What is strange, it works fine with Acid Pro 7 but I need it in my Sound Forge 10 Pro...

Any ideas? Will appreciate your support!





ReverendLove wrote on 12/29/2016, 12:25 PM

What is happening if you preview?
Did you try previewing in real time and buffered?

Are there any inputs for side chaining in the plug in?

Does SF remember the settings of your plugin?
Can you save presets for this plugin and are they stored?

mirrorman wrote on 12/29/2016, 12:51 PM

Hi, thank you for your interest in this case. The answers are as follow:

1. the audio file playback goes on but I cannot implement any change I do on the plugin..e.g. cutoff or resonance knobs do not modify the sound. Looks like everything is working perfect but the sound of the original audio file is not being influenced by the changes I apply on the plugin.

2. Yes I did..the same as above. The only difference is when I turn off the real time preview, none of the buttons on the plugin can be pushed while in real time I can push the buttons, move sliders etc (they do not influence the sound though but at least the seem to be working)

3. No, but the strange thing is that when I change anything on the plugin (remember, those changes do not influence the sound of the audio file) and try to cancel the project, SF asks me to save or cancel the changes...so it recognizes that something has been changed but those changes are not audible..

5.  Yes, I can sevae presets and call tchem back and all setting are perfectly stored...still, this does not influence the sound anyway..

It's the first time I see sth like that.

I really don't know what is happening.




ReverendLove wrote on 12/29/2016, 2:06 PM

Really strange!
I have similar issues with plugins (i.e. BitShiftGain) from airwindows. They have no gui, what is fine, but they don't remember the last settings and the processed output seems to be unchanged. And there are strange things happening too. They dont remember the last settings and start with default settings when I reopen the files. That is sad because the airwindows dither plug ins are the best you can get.

Probably I have to wrap them with jBridge. This worked for me for another Plug-In which does a doppler effect but isn't in my collection anymore because I use the Waves Doppler now.

ReverendLove wrote on 12/29/2016, 2:38 PM

Tried it with jBridge. Gets worse. Couldn't even see the parameters for the plugins. Sigh.

mirrorman wrote on 12/29/2016, 3:35 PM

It's pity that Sony / Magix crew does not rfollow and respond to such cases...wherelse shall we look for proper solutions if not here..

ReverendLove wrote on 12/29/2016, 4:48 PM

Hi https://www.magix.info/de/users/profil/mirrorman/

I found a workaround for my airwindows issue. If I put them into multiFXVST they work as expected. multiFXVST ist a VST host which can be used as VST. It is like a plug in chain which works as plug in. Now I have to find out how SF remembers its presets.
Maybe it works for your plugin too.