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15 answers, most recent on 4/25/2024
RE: waveform moves away from marker point when zooming in on soundforge 17
@rraud Recibí consejos del soporte técnico...¿Podría ser que estés editando archivos mp3? Si es así, es probable que se trate de un problema de compresión. Esto se puede solucionar haciendo clic en Opciones > Preferencias > General y marcando
53 answers, most recent on 10/29/2024
RE: SOUND FORGE Audio Studio 16 – Feedback Thread
Hi @Roger-Dey and welcome to the Magix Sound Forge users community If you are working with MP3 or other lossy file types, try enabling "Always proxy compressed formats" in the 'Options> Preferences> General' menu. Thank you rraud...I'll give
Movie Studio
5 answers, most recent 9 hours ago
RE: Crackling/popping noises in exported video audio
@Bryan-Atkinson Hi In addition to @CubeAce's comments what is the audio file type eg wav, mp3 etc, the bitrate and sample-rate of the audio file you are importing? To get this information, use Windows file Explorer, right click the audio file and
Audio Cleaning Lab
17 answers, most recent on 9/14/2024
RE: can no longer cut/delete in Sound Forge 19
Running W10, creating mp3 files first, then I have been deleting run-in and/or run-out if too long. Did about 200 files before it stopped working. Nothing happens on "x" any longer, tho it used to work. I don't know what maybe I changed to cause it
Movie Studio
66 answers, most recent on 1/29/2025
RE: The output formats are messed up in Movie Studio 2024
I did a trial and successfully got an exported still restored and exported. The trick to export as I previously said is to set the aspect to 3:2. Then to get correct import change the movie aspect to 3:2 (file/settings/movie). But then after
Music Maker
2 answers, most recent on 3/21/2024
[Solved] will not except wav files anymore
I reinstalled this on a new computer. Now the software will not recognize wav files. They are blank and renamed to HDP file. When using mp3 it plays the music but there is a clicking sound in it...both files when played outside of the software works
Video Pro X
32 answers, most recent on 1/18/2025
RE: "Missing" audio in VPX16
@emmrecs Hi Jeff. I downloaded your sample video. It will not play in any Windows media player but will in VLC. My DAW has always played any MP4 based video file but opens with 'cannot load audio stream'. VLC reports the audio is using 32bits per
2 answers, most recent on 9/8/2024
RE: Need help with samplitude format (2000s recordings)
@Richard-Vazquez Hi . . . . I can see different formats, such as .hdp .VIP and .h0 . . . Can you see any actual audio files eg WAV, MP3 etc - they should be in the same folder as the Magix files? John EBForum Moderator
7 answers, most recent on 10/11/2024
SF 18 build 21 scripting: determine when all files have been rendered?
I managed to cobble together a script that will save regions to individual mp3 files using RenderAs. My problem is how to determine when all the regions have been rendered and rendering is complete.. Does anyone know how to do that using c#? Thanks.
Audio Cleaning Lab
17 answers, most recent on 9/14/2024
RE: can no longer cut/delete in Sound Forge 19
I have tried restart, etc. I make mp3's in another program, import them, usually eliminate run-in/run-out, and run auto cleaning. This is what I have always done. I won''t mind if I have to purchase another version if it is available. I have run out
5 answers, most recent on 11/20/2024
RE: Acid Pro Pops and Clicks
@brian-johnson You didn't answer the question. Are you using compressed loops in your project? If yes then replace them with WAV files. It reads like you exported it in different formats. That usually doesn't impact your project. But using MP3 or
Movie Studio
43 answers, most recent on 3/7/2025
RE: Audio not importing
@CubeAce, @Gid Hi Ray, Gid I have rechecked on my PC and the Sorenson file will import, however it takes a ~25 secs before anything appears on the timeline and no audio, which is mp3 format and not normally found in modern 'standard' video file
Other products
One answer, on 3/14/2024
Magix MP3 Deluxe 19
Looking for a patch that will fix my program. Will not start when I open program. Error Message.
Audio Cleaning Lab
17 answers, most recent on 9/14/2024
RE: can no longer cut/delete in Sound Forge 19
@Jon-Baker The usual advice is to create .wav files, do your editing etc. on them and once you are happy with how they sound, then convert to mp3. Will same codes work to download Ver 3? If you mean will your version 1 serial key work with version 3
7 answers, most recent on 10/11/2024
RE: SF 18 build 21 scripting: determine when all files have been rendered?
Here it is as it stands now. I'm saving the number of files to render to a text file and then using an autohotkey script to monitor the folder. It is working but very clunky. I really find c# tough going. I appreciate any pointers you can
8 answers, most recent on 10/12/2024
RE: NO SOUND from Samplitude Music Maker
@janthyer Have you already followed the advice given by @johnebaker in his post earlier in this thread? With what result? Do you mean that any mp3 you export from Samplitude Music Studio (which version, by the way) contains no audio, i.e., it is a
Movie Studio
43 answers, most recent on 3/7/2025
RE: Audio not importing
It's not even HD but a strange frame rate and even stranger audio sample rate and frame rate for audio in an early mp3 format. The file loads and plays the video only but will not load into my copy of Vegas Pro Edit 20. @CubeAce Hi, I'm
Movie Studio
43 answers, most recent on 3/7/2025
RE: Audio not importing
@CubeAce Hi Ray . . . . It's not even HD but a strange frame rate and even stranger audio sample rate and frame rate for audio in an early mp3 format. . . . . The video is Soreson SVQ3 encoded which is h.263 and was designed for early
4 answers, most recent on 5/21/2024
RE: How do I reduce the file size with Sound Forge 14 please?
@JennyPxyz Export in a compressed file format (mp3 / ogg) in a low bitrate (64 kbps). If you only have speech in your recording you can also reduce the samplerate to 11 kHz or 8 kHz.
One answer, on 10/3/2024
Pro 18 batch check LUFS on many mp3 files
I just upgraded to Pro 18 to be able to check my backing track files for LUFS loudness to make sure they are played with equal loudness on gigs. Is there a fast and easy way to batch check all of them in one go? tnx /JimR
Movie Studio
8 answers, most recent on 12/23/2024
RE: AVI - Lagarith with MP3 audio
@me_again Hi Andy. Do you have a copy of Windows Explorer on your system? I always thought that for MEP/MMS/VPX it was essential to be installed to seamlessly work with the mp3 format in those programs. If I'm wrong I will uninstal my copy. Ray.
Music Maker
5 answers, most recent on 5/2/2024
RE: i made a song but can not be open, what do i do?
Thanks, pasted the mp3 file. Searched for the song's name, and the vocal files came up. Glued them in. Didn't get to mix more on the loops themselves, but it was still ok 😊
7 answers, most recent on 10/11/2024
RE: SF 18 build 21 scripting: determine when all files have been rendered?
@Unsounded Hmm, besides the unusual formatting (is this a problem of the code tag in this forum?) of your code the only odd thing I currently see is the line string szName = String.Format("{0:}{2}.{3}", "", szBase, mk.Name, rend.Extension); After
Music Maker
3 answers, most recent on 12/2/2024
RE: Unable to export
@Campbell-McMahan When reporting an issue, it helps others if you provide as much info as you can.- What version of MM? eg: What version of Windows?- What have you tried?- exporting to WAV or MP3?- you mentioned "normalizing" -- what
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