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Video Pro X
25 answers, most recent on 10/24/2024
RE: Working with GoPro Timelapses
Thanks again for the response. Correct on the image format, they are YUV 8bit 4:2:2 in the bt470bg (601?, PAL?) colorspace. Couple of things of note, I'm in the US thus have it set to NTSC (I noticed PAL in previous posts). While I do have an NVIDIA
Movie Studio
14 answers, most recent on 4/8/2024
RE: upgrade advice - movie studio suite 2023 to movie studio suite 2024
@spuddy13 Hi. The only thing I would say about the build is with an AMD Processor you will not get the benefit of having an inboard GPU as well as the 3070. The two working together with resizeable bar enabled should in theory give you a lot more
Movie Studio
31 answers, most recent on 7/9/2024
RE: How do I redo an audio track in Movie Studio 2024 Platinum?
Hi John, Having it at 32 tracks is causing some irritations for me at the moment. I will never need more than 4 tracks and 99% of the time I'll be using a max of 3 tracks. I'll leave it for now to see if it clears up. As for #2 it is hard to explain
Video Pro X
25 answers, most recent on 8/10/2024
RE: No Hardware Encoding 9:16 ONLY!
@CubeAce, @Gid, @AAProds Hi everyone Using: VPX16 all combinations in Device options for UHD 630, RTX 2060, both on PC and laptop Al's and some of my video files Default MP4 h.264 1080x1920 25fps export preset hardware acceleration is used on the
Movie Studio
62 answers, most recent on 5/4/2024
RE: System hardware not being utilized
@Daxton-Eakins Hi and welcome to the user to user forums. It looks like you are processing and exporting files that are probably MP4 or mov HD resolution files (1920 by 1080 pixels). That amount of processing and ram you see being used for a project
Movie Studio
84 answers, most recent on 8/5/2024
RE: Linking "videos" or "projects" question
@Eric-Elliott Further to what Gid indicated: A project is what you are doing in Movie Studio - you give it a name, right? The project file is what you are saving when you save - with your project name. A project can have 1 or more Movies. You have
Video Pro X
27 answers, most recent on 11/18/2024
VPX Feedback Button - Features In Consideration/Planning - Comments
Hi, In VPX16, there is a new button at the right of the top menu - Feedback. Clicking on this opens the following in the Media Pool MAGIX Hub: You can expand these to see details: The only feedback that you can give is clicking on the thumbs up
Movie Studio
19 answers, most recent on 6/24/2024
RE: Saving videos question (Saving YouTube vids to PC for later)
@Eric-Elliott Eric, of course. Just export them in MPEG-4 format. I think this was mentioned before, but just pick the bitrate that will give you the largest file size you can stand to upload. For example, you have a 1920x1080 video that is 10
Movie Studio
2 answers, most recent on 8/12/2024
RE: What files are safe to delete when working with Movie Studio?
Hi Eric . . . . any of the following files can be deleted: . . . . You can delete all files that end in: .H0 or .HDP these will be recreated if you go back to a project to re-edit it. John EB Thank you, at least that is some. All those are not
Rescue Your Videotapes!
8 answers, most recent on 3/13/2024
RE: Increase recording quality?
@Pierre_S Ref MXV, it does yield better quality but, by the looks, is only available in Video Easy's big brothers, Magix Movie Studio and VPX. As Ray said, it's a proprietary Magix codec and you do run the risk of being stranded with it being
Video Pro X
58 answers, most recent on 9/12/2024
RE: [Closed] VPX/MMS update schedule
@Reyfox You still don't get it. Please, I am somewhat intelligent and I am able to read, watch and comprehend, and push buttons in PS23, which I did. PS23 cannot create multiple independent timelines in one project the way that MMS/VPX can. And that
Movie Studio
24 answers, most recent on 2/3/2025
RE: Edited video length
@Jennifer-Wilson Hi, I see that no one has answered. Let's start with 8 hours of video. Here is an excerpt from a web site with a lot of good information about video editing: "You can begin by first deciding what your video is all about and what is
Movie Studio
10 answers, most recent on 5/8/2024
RE: Which Movie Studio or Video Pro X version has these features?
@fbal Hi, Further to what the others said: 3) The direct upload to YT feature was removed from the programs because YT/Google keeps changing their algorithms and after a while, the uploader would not work. In any event, never do this. Always export
Movie Studio
84 answers, most recent on 8/5/2024
RE: Linking "videos" or "projects" question
@Eric-Elliott Hi Eric, You cannot do a movie without doing a project. A project always contains at least 1 Movie or you have no project. By default, the Movie is the same name as the Project. You can change the name of the Movie. Look at my image.
Video Pro X
168 answers, most recent on 6/10/2024
RE: Video Pro X16 - New Features and Bug Repairs
@Can-Dive Hi, I don't speak for Magix. Your suggestion about inverting the way the program works was discussed. If Magix could do it, great. Tell Magix. No more discussion about it here, please. As for me talking about Photo Manager, my question was
Video Pro X
58 answers, most recent on 9/12/2024
RE: [Closed] VPX/MMS update schedule
@Reyfox I was interrupted by the wife. Just to be more clear, there is no nesting in the project that I described. There are 4 separate timelines, created in 1 project. Each was created within that 1 project and each can be worked on separately,
Movie Studio
31 answers, most recent on 6/27/2024
RE: Where did my audio go?
I have watched the getting started videos where I learned that I can make the Timeline mode to where I can see it, yay! I think that bit may have been resolved now. Although, I am still deathly frightened of it. Too many buttons and such. First
Audio Cleaning Lab
15 answers, most recent on 3/4/2025
RE: Family History Cassette Tape Project - Tips to Begin?
@Deborah-Wesley Hi Debbie, That was a lot of good information to digest. I took a look at or Your comment about the unknown lifetime of these is valid. Looking at the details of one of them, I see long-term expenses. Free
Movie Studio
69 answers, most recent on 4/9/2024
RE: VHS captures, video "washed-out"
@johnebaker @AAProds Hi, I'm definitely not an expert on video capture as you will see. I managed to make the capture device work, then not work... Right now, it's not working. I'm becoming an expert on plugging, unplugging...repeat, hoping that the
Video Pro X
53 answers, most recent 9 minutes ago
RE: Website Observation
Where was I? Oh yeah, @Gid I'm pretty sure tracks/objects used to be able to be grouped & using SPR would affect both in unison? Yes. That changed in VPX13, I believe, when Magix overhauled Size/Position, combining it with Rotation to get SPR,
Video Pro X
58 answers, most recent on 9/12/2024
RE: [Closed] VPX/MMS update schedule
@Reyfox Hi Tony, if you haven't used Pinnacle in 12 years, that's quite a long time to comment on features you haven't used or not even aware of. So how can you say they aren't "movies"? Do you know what a project suffix is in Pinnacle? It's as
Video Pro X
58 answers, most recent on 9/12/2024
RE: [Closed] VPX/MMS update schedule
Hi all. I've been away camping (boondocking) for the last week with little electricity and intermittent cell phone access and attending and filming a wedding. @Can-Dive Currently, the main difference between VPX and Vegas is that Vegas has a team
Audio Cleaning Lab
15 answers, most recent on 3/4/2025
RE: Family History Cassette Tape Project - Tips to Begin?
@Deborah-Wesley Hi Debbie, To back up a bit, Video program is a good question. For many years I have used ProShow Gold by Photodex. Photodex ceased support in 2020, but the programs still run on my PC. I doubt though that I will be able to install
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