
Procyon wrote on 8/7/2010, 12:34 AM

It would be helpful if you told us which software program you are asking about.


Assuming you are asking about MAGIX Music Maker (MMM)...

To change any section to another BPM, you will have to timestretch every object in that section to a different BPM.


(Object Menu) > Tempo & Pitch > Timestretch or Pitchshift OR hit SHIFT+V...


The Time Processor will appear.  Click the Power button to turn it on.  Click play to hear track(s) you want to alter.  Turn the tempo knob to the BPM you want.  If you can't get it exactly, just get it as close as you can. Sometimes you can edit the BPM by typing it in, but this does not always work.


If you wish to lock in the new BPM, click on APPLY, and then click on OK to close.


I suggest grouping together all of the objects you want to change. This will allow you to make the change to all of the objects at the same time.


To group objects, pick (to highlight) the first one.  Hold the control key (CTRL) while clicking and highlighting all of the other objects to be grouped. Then, hit CTRL+L.


To ungroup (if desired), highlight the group and CTRL+M.


Be aware that complex or fast objects may not sound good if sped up too much.

Former user wrote on 8/7/2010, 7:17 AM

And You can use the Loop Finder to set the bpm. However, with the Loop Finder You cannot pitch. Make Your Choice.....

DJ-Equalibrium wrote on 8/11/2010, 10:02 AM

I have MMM 14, the topic asked what program I have so I didn't think I needed to add that info. I thank you for the answer however that is not what I hoped for. I'm aware of changing individual tracks and loops, I was hoping for a one step process even a gradual speed change. I have a PS2 game music maker that allows this and thought this to be a no brainer. Oh well, thanks again artbaqua and Procyon.

It would be helpful if you told us which software program you are asking about.


Assuming you are asking about MAGIX Music Maker (MMM)...

To change any section to another BPM, you will have to timestretch every object in that section to a different BPM.


(Object Menu) > Tempo & Pitch > Timestretch or Pitchshift OR hit SHIFT+V...


The Time Processor will appear.  Click the Power button to turn it on.  Click play to hear track(s) you want to alter.  Turn the tempo knob to the BPM you want.  If you can't get it exactly, just get it as close as you can. Sometimes you can edit the BPM by typing it in, but this does not always work.


If you wish to lock in the new BPM, click on APPLY, and then click on OK to close.


I suggest grouping together all of the objects you want to change. This will allow you to make the change to all of the objects at the same time.


To group objects, pick (to highlight) the first one.  Hold the control key (CTRL) while clicking and highlighting all of the other objects to be grouped. Then, hit CTRL+L.


To ungroup (if desired), highlight the group and CTRL+M.


Be aware that complex or fast objects may not sound good if sped up too much.

Procyon wrote on 8/22/2010, 11:39 AM

You're welcome.


You have to realize that even though it may ask which product you are asking about when you post a question, it no longer shows that information in the new forum format.  Also, that doesn't tell us what version you are using either. Not all versions have the same abilities and features.


Also, just because some other company's software has a certain feature does not mean that every MAGIX product has it as well, especially an inexpensive product like MMM.