The Flight

TrishM schreef op 06.03.2018 om 07:12 uur

Before I put up Franco’s words of Introduction, I would like to say that this album that Franco proposed to me several weeks ago, has been the most challenging yet rewarding project of which I have been a part.

Franco has played piano also ( which I think is pretty cool) in addition to his signature pads, percussion and effects.    The idea for the album was Franco’s and he sent me numerous songs via email to which I added melodies and  harmonies….primarily on piano but sometimes included voices, electric piano, bell tones, and some guitar.

From Franco….

Trish Marshall lives in the United States of America and Franco Galateo in Italy, abysmal distances that do not allow a direct relationship .. their musical roots are very different..Trish, a  music teacher and pianist therefore with musical cultural preparation linked to classical music .. Franco instead is born as a composer with experiences of ambient and progressive music .....

In this album the matrices of these two artists are mixed, until they reach a compositional cohesion.

Few basic ideas .. some messages .... without direct relationships .. and only a distance interaction has created this evocative album ..

Where the most beautiful Butterflies in the world are described in music in the first part and in the second one a fantasy story that describes the Fairies ......

Music with ambient trends, chillout, with clear fantasy


An album to listen to



franco-galateo schreef op 06.03.2018 om 10:06 uur

I'm part of the project, so I do not give any kind of opinion .. on the track
I can say, however, that I had so much fun ... and that it was a great pleasure to collaborate with Trish ...


Jinty schreef op 06.03.2018 om 13:02 uur

Hello Trish,

It's a great collaboration,the music sounds beautiful,well done to you both!!!!!!

All the best,


stuallan schreef op 06.03.2018 om 18:39 uur

Hi Trish,

Magwonderful! A new word I made up just for this song - Magnificent and Wonderful!

I loved the delicate, soothing and even romantic vibe of this superb collaboration.

A excellent example of how music can overcome culture, language and distance to create something beautiful. if the world were full of musicians it would be a much better place!

Great job to both of you and thanks for sharing.



PS you know where you could send this.

For Franco:

Ciao Trish,

Magwonderful! Una nuova parola che ho inventato solo per questa canzone: Magnificent and Wonderful!

Ho amato l'atmosfera delicata, rilassante e anche romantica di questa superba collaborazione.

Un eccellente esempio di come la musica possa superare cultura, lingua e distanza per creare qualcosa di bello. se il mondo fosse pieno di musicisti sarebbe un posto molto migliore!

Ottimo lavoro per entrambi e grazie per la condivisione.



PS sai dove potresti inviarlo.


waalfred schreef op 06.03.2018 om 23:22 uur

Yeah, that´s something what we need in a world where politicians try to isolate their countries - good collaboration with musical projects worldwide. Congratulation.

It´s a wonderful song.😊🌎✔️

Voormalige gebruiker schreef op 07.03.2018 om 06:04 uur

Completely relaxing music.Great sound.The composition of two people.Double like.

SpriteBat schreef op 07.03.2018 om 07:57 uur

Wonderful work by two masters! It's very interesting to hear different elements come together and wonder about the collaborative process behind it all. Everything just fits together seamlessly and I get the feeling you both knew exactly what kind of sounds and emotions you wanted to convey. Needless to say, the piano is gorgeous, but I also love all the rhythms, sound effects, electronic sounds, etc. that add so much to the atmosphere. It's really quite magical, taking my mind off the real world for a moment and allowing me to escape into another. I'm eager to hear the rest! Outstanding.

TommyG schreef op 07.03.2018 om 18:59 uur

Sehr schöne, beruhigende Musik.

Voormalige gebruiker schreef op 08.03.2018 om 11:50 uur

When two big names from the Magix scene combine their ideas and their talent with a collaboration, then we have to expect great things.
And in fact this song is simply wonderful sweet delicate highly emotional.
Magix is lucky to have two talents like you among his ranks.
A big applause.

OldMansProject schreef op 16.03.2018 om 03:02 uur

Hey Trish/Franco!!!

Ich bin geflogen... und zwar in eine andere Welt. Wunderschönes Stück.

Holly 😎

Voormalige gebruiker schreef op 21.01.2019 om 20:37 uur

Beautiful collaboration, the distance are nothing when the music goes in to action, peaceful sonority's, well done you both


Huck schreef op 20.05.2019 om 16:20 uur

gerne gehört