Notitle - 2024-10-05

jan99 schreef op 05.10.2024 om 16:23 uur
Tags: Chill-out, Ambient, Overige

It's been a long time (= het begin van de oude Beatles-song 'Wait' (Rubber Soul), maar eindelijk weer eens iets online bij Magix. Gemaakt met Samplitude Music Studio 2023 en diverse non-Magix VSTi's.
Geen inspiratie voor een titel, en qua genre lastig in te delen (beetje Ambient, maar teveel ritme) . Maar toch: 'hope you like it'. Behalve Robota en Beatbox2 voor de ritmes de volgende instrumenten: Bleass Monolit (preset Flangy Buddy), AAS Player (preset 62-Carpetry), Magix Vita (Acoustic Piano, o.a. bewerkt met VandalSE)



Alter-Falter schreef op 05.10.2024 om 16:45 uur


jan99 schreef op 05.10.2024 om 19:56 uur

English translation as a comment (cause I could not change the original Dutch text anymore).
It's been a long time (= the start of the old Beatles-song 'Wait' (from Rubber Soul), but I finally put something online again at Magix'. Made with Samplitude Music Studio 2023 and several non-Magix VSTi's.
I had no inspiration for a proper title, and I found labelling the song not easy. A bit of ambient, but to much percussion...? But I still hope you like it.

Apart from Magix' Robota and Beatbox2 (rhythm section), I used the following VST-instruments:

  • Bleass Monolit (preset Flangy Buddy)
  • AAS Player (preset 62-Carpetry)
  • Magix Vita (Acoustic Piano, but combined with a.o. VandalSE filters)





Philip-J schreef op 07.10.2024 om 21:32 uur

Delightful playing of lead and string synths over the drumming! The drumming halt in the middle worked well. The piece seemed to have a serious mood, good for thoughtful reflection. A good track!

Best wishes,
