Bird looking for nesting materials

gandjcarr schreef op 03.01.2014 om 18:48 uur
Breedte: 1280
Hoogte: 720
Duur:: 00:59
Formaat: mp4

I took this shot of this bird because it was very selective about the nesting materials that it wanted to use.  It is a little humerous that it found all kinds of stuff yet rejected all of it.  Funny and it just shows that we all want perfection, even the birds.


JFKbreton schreef op 03.01.2014 om 19:02 uur


Faisant simplement de la photo, sympa la video duheron cendre

Cordialement JFK

JuanIsidoro schreef op 05.01.2014 om 21:20 uur

es un pajaro muy exigente

Laatst gewijzigd door JuanIsidoro op 05.01.2014, 21:20, in totaal 1 keer gewijzigd.


Me llamo Juan Isidoro. Soy de Sevilla al sur de España.Trabajo en un camion y hago musica por placer.

Espero que os guste.

My name is juan Isidoro. I’m from Seville in southern Spain.
Working a truck and do music for pleasure.I hope you like.



Funnywico schreef op 25.01.2014 om 01:22 uur

Seems to be a very proud guy when he is looking to the camera!

Nice and interesting video!

