Ballad In D Minor

Voormalige gebruiker schreef op 16.07.2016 om 11:14 uur
Titel:: Ballad In D-Minor
Artiest: Griff
Album: Ballad In D-Minor

Hi Fellow Musicians And Music Lovers:

Just a little something that I pulled up from my never-ending archives....  I've been so entangled with a ton of very serious family matters over the last year, to the point that I have not been able to give my music the focus that I would like.  However, I found a small bit of time to polish off this song.

Hope you like it. 

I used many instruments from my KONTAKT library for this piece.





Voormalige gebruiker schreef op 16.07.2016 om 11:34 uur

time ago 'I would not be able to appreciate music, like the one you presented.
But my will to open myself to jazz, has led me to understand that this type of music is able to convey strong feelings, as well as being a music that easy to compose and play it certainly is not.
However, in many of my compositions, using jazz chords with dissonances.
this thanks to you to sandro great jazz musicians of the comunity.
great song that would define


Voormalige gebruiker schreef op 16.07.2016 om 13:31 uur

A great piece of music: For you never know what happens in the next second of listening. But then again there is still an ongoing flow in it. Very well done. 

(And I hope that your family matters are not too serious. Anyhow, my best wishes!)

NorbertSN schreef op 16.07.2016 om 16:17 uur

Say Griff - why is it that I love Jazz whenever I listen to your tracks?

Buddy, this is (as I know I can't do anything close to this in Jazz) a phenomenal piece of music.

Love it - this goes straight into my fav folder.

The felt symbiosis between (pardon my ridiculously low knowledge about Jazz) freestyle and a clear story floating all the way through is just wonderful.

All instrumentals are sounding great and well in place.

What a great and relaxing listen. Thanks for this upload.


All the best, Norbert

VOXS schreef op 16.07.2016 om 17:03 uur

Hi Griff,

I feel that some instruments wobbles slightly? Or is this a special effect??? Anyhow - this piece of music doesn't really fit my taste of music. For my ears too complex and difficult, sorry

Maybe I have often heard this kind of music to better understand. Remember - I'm a simple guitarist

All the best for you - Andreas

Voormalige gebruiker schreef op 16.07.2016 om 17:12 uur

Hallo , . " Griff " ..

schöne Idee , aber die Umsetzung zumindest am Anfang und stellenweise im Verlauf

des Song´s finde ich nicht optimal ! ,,

gerne reingehört ! .. 4****+

Gruß Andreas

Voormalige gebruiker schreef op 16.07.2016 om 20:03 uur


very well done created jazz music  

I like the more tools musical sounds good 

I like it music all 5 ***** 

Piazzini schreef op 16.07.2016 om 20:54 uur

Hoi Griff

wonderful, after such a long break. I can finally listen wiedermal a grand from your jazz songs.

I like very well and find the song perfectly suited to relax.

en liebe gruess vom


DEPO57 schreef op 16.07.2016 om 22:41 uur


Voormalige gebruiker schreef op 17.07.2016 om 00:31 uur

hallo griff broter,

super schöne melodien

piano sensationell

guitare sehr schön soft

flute genial

schlagzeug genial

sehr schöner song




greez jesus love

Voormalige gebruiker schreef op 17.07.2016 om 01:04 uur

Hello my friend , I felt a special attraction from 2 minutes : 01, without a doubt this jazz is delicately made ​​and po least to me gave me extra emotion because the lighthouse photo reminds me of the lighthouse havana, so you can time to imagine that I was thinking when I heard his song, very well done ; because of family problems  can not concentrate on the music , but when you return abstinence that will be transformed into brightness make known , so it should be, greetings friend

Sandro_Glavina_Channel schreef op 17.07.2016 om 02:02 uur

All is wonderful !!!! great atmosphere jazz - ciao da sandro

Laatst gewijzigd door Sandro_Glavina_Channel op 17.07.2016, 02:02, in totaal 1 keer gewijzigd.

Sandro Glavina is an italian composer, named L'Uomo e L'Ombra. The choice of the name derives from the title of the album "L'uomo e l'ombra" of the band "Abstract Music Nuova Esistenza", an experimental group founded by Sandro Glavina together with his friends in the mid-70s.

In the period 2009-2022, L'Uomo e L'Ombra has done 84 albums. The compositions of Sandro Glavina are partly influenced by progressive rock. Sandro has developed a personal style with many experimentations and actualizations. He offers music beyond borders by intertwining different styles in crossover with each other. Prog, psychedelia, classical, post-rock, jazz, pop are some of the influences that dissolve in ambient atmospheres, citations of contemporary music and minimalist nuances. Sandro Glavina aka L'Uomo e L'Ombra plays the music using VSTI synthesizers, keyboards and adds some loops. Sandro isn't a professional musician, composes and plays music just for fun, but his works reach a good outcome, pleasant to listen. L'UOMO E L'OMBRA


Voormalige gebruiker schreef op 17.07.2016 om 03:28 uur

Sehr schöne Komposition...sehr gerne gehört

m f G.


Maboe schreef op 17.07.2016 om 14:46 uur

Heey my friend,

this is a wonderful stuff on your typical highest quality - big respect!

I enjoyed it so much!


GBTraveller schreef op 18.07.2016 om 16:39 uur

Hi Griff,

wonderful job from you. Fantastic music for after work relaxing.

Erol the great music artist.

Greeting to NY


TetleyAnderton schreef op 18.07.2016 om 21:45 uur

Another wonderful piece of music you put together, Griff.  I really like your work.  Thank you buddy.

Pat_02 schreef op 19.07.2016 om 08:56 uur

Salut mon très cher ami,

Merci pour ce superbe morceau qui mélanges plusieurs styles et qui est parfait quand je l'écoute avec émerveillement.

Comme je te l'ai déjà dit, pour moi, tu es le maitre du Jazz sous toutes ses formes, et là encore, tu le prouves, avec cette superbe composition qui est en même temps très rythmée mais aussi très douce et agréable à écouter.

Une très belle séparation stéréo, des instruments clairs et limpides comme toujours, des mélodies et des riffs d'instruments en tous genres, comme la piano, la guitare, la flûte, un superbe saxophone qui nous enchantent..

Quelle superbe rythmique ainsi que cette basse à contrebasse, belle, percutante et profonde.

Tout cela est très beau, bravo ! mon ami et merci d'avoir ressorti cette très belle composition et de l'avoir retravaillé.

En résumé, car on pourrait en dire beaucoup, , Une musique très originale, et si je dis cela, c'est parce que, de part sa conception, enfin pour moi, le Jazz a du mal à être original, mais avec toi et ta façon de composer, de mélanger d'autres styles, d'étudier et d'utiliser tous les styles différents de Jazz, tu nous composes de belles et originales musiques de jazz, et tu ammènes les gens qui comme moi, n'écoutaient pas de Jazz ou très peu, parce que c'est un style de musique très spécial, où en général s'enchainent des riffs d'instruments, qui ne sont pas mélodiques, mais toi, ces riffs, tu les rends mélodiques justement, et leurs enchainements et mélanges sont judicieux.

Je te l'ai déjà dit aussi, tu me fais aimer le Jazz, merci pour cela aussi, ,

Des dixaines d'étoiles pour cette merveilleuse compo, * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

et dans mes favoris bien sûr, il ne peut pas en être autrement

Continues à nous emporter et nous faire rêver avec tes belles musiques.

Portes toi bien mon ami,



NB. Moi, en ce moment, je fais une petite pose avec ma compagne, il fait enfin beau, alors, on en profite,

TrishM schreef op 20.07.2016 om 13:06 uur

Hey Griffster

I  FINA:LLY broke through and got here to listen to another of your tune.  It was worrth the wait, my friend.  My favorite part was the piano (of course) at round the 2 minute mark. But I like dhte entire piece.  You just ooze talent, Griff,

Talk to ya later.


stuallan schreef op 20.07.2016 om 18:37 uur

Hi Griff,

How sweet it is!

Without a doubt, your keyboard skills are in abundance here however, you graciously highlighted some other instruments, I particularly liked the flute floating through the piece.

The horns added a super smoky texture to the song. This song has a cool experimental free form feel to it without alienating the listener. I found myself lost in the groove and was surprised when it ended. Meaning of course, I wanted it to go on.

Kudos to the "GrooveMeister" for a very enagaging piece!



Hoping your family issues are behind you.

tgfmusica schreef op 21.07.2016 om 22:21 uur

Pezzo di grande atmosfera e sentimento, veramente bravo, 5* da tgfmusica, Gianfranco, ciao

Roxall schreef op 23.07.2016 om 12:09 uur

I am sitting in a smoky bar, It is pretty empty, Just a few other souls who like me, are reminisicing on the current circumstances of my life while drinking a scotch and watching a jazz band play this track through the haze. 

This is the picture I get listening to this. 

To be able to paint this picture for me with your music is fantastic.

A piece of musical artwork.

Voormalige gebruiker schreef op 28.07.2016 om 18:20 uur

Hi Griff,
your every song is characterized by sensitivity and refined music, this is an atmosphere that drags you in a total way.
Great song my friend.


genelythgow schreef op 28.07.2016 om 21:03 uur

Beautiful baby!!!!  As always!  Love you bro!  Hope all is well now with you and yours.  Only the best my brother. -Gino

smartsmurf schreef op 31.07.2016 om 10:59 uur

Perfect bar lounge music... Classy !!! 

jjnicholls55 schreef op 05.08.2016 om 11:34 uur

Hey Griffster


cool stuff man. what a cool combo of instruments. as always a pleasure to listen to.
