A short trip to outer space

gandjcarr schreef op 16.10.2012 om 21:47 uur
Tags: Korte film
Breedte: 720
Hoogte: 480
Duur:: 05:30
Formaat: mp4

A short journey of the shuttle discovery to space and back. The longest single clip in this video is about 20 seconds and none of the clips included any audio at all.


nirvanray schreef op 17.10.2012 om 09:57 uur

Wow so you actuallly went up. We are having another Neil Armstrong in making then? LOL. Congrats dude.

DanielWebsterProduction schreef op 28.09.2014 om 15:21 uur

Hi gandjcarr,


you produced a great video!

I really like it.

How did you get this amacing footage?

