
Offline, Laatste login 14.11.2012, Lid sinds: 10.12.2009

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Over mij

I have been using MAGIX software since 1998 (Music Maker v2000, PlayR) and I have been fascinated with the results I can achieve with these programs. From audio recording and editing to full scale music production, I have used MAGIX. I have basic and advanced knowledge in the musical realm of Music Maker, Audio Cleaning Lab, Music Studio, Samplitude, and even Sequoia as well as now a vast understanding of the video programs such as Movie Edit Pro and Video Pro X.

I still believe the best software in the world is the one you are most proficient at, the one you know. This is why I am such a fan of Magix software. It is easy to understand, it is logically designed. Because of this design the transition from Music to Video was pretty painless.

My suggestion is use the trials… that way you can see what you are getting into before you are into it.

Mijn interesses

Music: Creating, Editing, Mastering

Video: Editing

Mijn signatuur

The path to knowledge always starts with a question.