
Voormalige gebruiker schreef op 03.06.2014 om 00:55 uur

I believe you need to log in to Catooh to purchase any legally binding permissions.  Goodd luck with your music !

nihon94 schreef op 03.06.2014 om 09:47 uur

When you will open folder on the DVD you must find License terms. Read that and decide. As this is a kind of legal matter with technicalities and copyrights specially for music are getting tougher day by day. Therefore safety first contact catooh and include the same url link and get their opinion.

Here users could only guide you. 


gandjcarr schreef op 03.06.2014 om 22:36 uur

My suggestion would be to download a copy of the license you purchased and get a copyright lawyer to advise you on how to proceed based on the country that you live in.  Depending on where you live, the legal advice could be tax deductible on income produced from your work.
