just purchased Movie Edit Pro 2015 and dissapointed to find that videos from my NextBase carcam play fine in Windows Media Player it is too "jerky" to be of any use in Magix. The frame rate is only 15fps. Have I omitted to adjust something in magix please

paul-joyce schreef op 13.10.2014 om 13:11 uur

 Movie Edit Pro 2016 and dissapointed to find that videos from my NextBase carcam play fine in Windows Media Player it is too "jerky" to be of any use in Magix. The frame rate is only 15fps. Have I omitted to adjust something in magix please


gandjcarr schreef op 18.10.2014 om 14:10 uur


Have you tried to preview render your video clips? You do this by going to "Edit" and then "Start Preview Rendering". See below.
