How to apply TV anti-cropping on motion pictures?

Kokkiem schreef op 24.02.2011 om 22:35 uur



Thought to have finally finished my + 1 hour movie, but didn't realise that an another display of the TV is applied when playing from DVD then connecting the pc directly to the TV. Result: parts are not visible and my titles are cut as apparently too low. The "effectinstellingen film" as per the Dutch vs Video Deluxe 17 Premium (probably "effects movie settings" in Movie Editor Pro) works well with the exception off:


- all titles: although selected to be adapted automatically it doesn't work (in comparison to all photo's and all video's). A bug or does some has an automatic solution apart of moving up all titles manually?

- Motion pictures (camerabewegingen vanuit of naar uitsnedes of bewegingsjablon), which I manually set specific for each picture, thus not something to do again for a + 1 hour movie! Why doesn't it work as for "all video's". When I select a motion/panning picture and select the motion/panning (camerabeweging) option, it jumps to the wright TV cropping frame I set earlier. But when moving to the next picture, those settings are getting lost. Who knows how to apply the TV anti-cropping function to panning pictures?


Thanks in advance for any hint/solution!


yvon-robert schreef op 24.02.2011 om 23:19 uur


You must reserve about 10% that we call TV safe frame around any text or title or PIP, logo when you create a presentaion also exthetic or appearance is better with short title than tiltle to close from edges. In the title window under Effects click on the button Advanced and checkmark Only applied visible TV area. The software cut automatically the line length to display on TV screen safe area. For a picture you can rescale picture if the picture blow out too much or adding a background on one track and place the picture over on a new track. Normally pictures display well.

Probably this help you to begin a nice work this is common to all software when we output to TV screen.



Kokkiem schreef op 25.02.2011 om 12:02 uur

Thanks maxcon62 and yvon-robert for your answers. Unfortunately, it does not answer my questions, as I already went through those steps. Maybe I didn't express it very well, but what you are showing/describing are the TV anti-cropping steps within ""effectinstellingen film" (or something like "effects movie settings", what I already did. The results: the titles (or rather undertitles are not set automatically to the new display and more annoying: it does not apply to motion/panning picture. See more details in my initial support request. And no, it is NOT an option to re-pan approx 500 pictures by hand.


That reminds me that I find it rather odd, that the tv anti-cropping demo movies are in 4:3 and not in 16:9, at least from the 3 none were 16:9... Did I overlook something?


If anyone can help me to solve these issues, I would be most grateful.

Thanks in advance!

maxcon62 schreef op 25.02.2011 om 15:47 uur

I would like you to explain to me the problem better in order to help you:

Is the movie vision on the PC regular?

To look at the movie on TV, do you play it in a DVD player?

Couldn't be a matter concerning the "Dvd player" setting?

For inserting the titles are you using "standard titles" of Video Deluxe or the  plugin "Prodad Heroglyph"? 

Kokkiem schreef op 25.02.2011 om 16:18 uur

Thanks maxcon62!

- display on pc = perfect

- display on tv WHEN connected with HDMI = perfect

- the display directly from the mediaplayer (in whatever movie format like avi, mp4) would also probably ok

Indeed it is the DVD format (TS + ifo) which cuts the borders on tv (not on pc). Could you explain what you mean with "Couldn't be a matter concerning the "DVD player" setting? It's not my DVD player, if that's what you mean, as I play it directly from my mediaplayer. I would like to keep my menu, that's why I'm using the DVD format.

I'm using standard titles. To be honoust, if I have to move all subtitles, so be it, I'm more worried about all the panning work as illustrated hereunder...

maxcon62 schreef op 25.02.2011 om 17:12 uur

Sorry, I meant ""Couldn't be a problem concerning your DVD player setting", but you use mediaplayer...ok!.


Try this way to change the size of the subtitles:

Kokkiem schreef op 25.02.2011 om 17:43 uur

That's an useful tip! I do not need to reduce size though, but move up the title. And that works like you suggest. Then I only have the exceptions (those with a specific position due layout) to do manually.  Thanks!


I tried to upload a video to illustrate the issue with motion pictures, but apparently without success... Another try:


maxcon62 schreef op 25.02.2011 om 18:23 uur

If all subtitles are on the same position ( same height) you can apply my tip (moving up the first subtitle and applying the tip I have sent you.

About the moving pictures I'm searching after a solution


maxcon62 schreef op 25.02.2011 om 19:52 uur

The function "tv cropping" works right with moving pictures, but you can't see the black borders because you have applied the zoom (the black is the background color of monitor).

Kokkiem schreef op 25.02.2011 om 21:33 uur

Nope, sorry. That's what I thought at first too. That does not work unless the cropping area of all the tv's the movie will be played on have exactly the same border loosing sides. For instance: 10% each side is too much for my TV. 8% is good for the top and bottom, but gieve black bars on the left and the right. And here goes the motion picture in those bar, thus full screen, which does not look very nice those different sizes... And since every tv is different, it's not an option...Any other suggestions?

maxcon62 schreef op 27.02.2011 om 13:22 uur

1) try this way...I send you a link because the upload of magix don't work


2) you can save your movie with codec .mpg2 in your computer and then import it in a new projetc where apply cropping-tv. 

Kokkiem schreef op 27.02.2011 om 13:30 uur

Yeah! Clever! Will do it that way!


Btw your suggestion with the titles made all my fade ins' and outs' of the titels disappear... Although I placed them again and did the "apply to all the following" it did not work. Did it manually again...


Thanks! You made my day :-)

maxcon62 schreef op 27.02.2011 om 15:01 uur

I have found a new solution for moving up all titles



Kokkiem schreef op 27.02.2011 om 15:24 uur

Great maxcon62! I'll do the remaining like that!

I'm sure you can answer my other threat as well about how to capture the VD17 screen. As you manage doing it, may I know if you are using the screen capture VD17 itself or another program?

Thanks again!

maxcon62 schreef op 27.02.2011 om 16:29 uur

Yes, I use screen capture of Vdl17.

I launch the program 2 times. In the second one I click "yes" in all popup windows.

Then (in the second one too) I create a new project and click on the red button"record"....I choose the codec and I begin to record the screen of the first project of Vdl.

I have got a powerful computer with i7 processor and graphic card Ati hd5770... but I don't if this method works in all computer.

It remains to you to try!

Otherwise you can find numerous free "capture video screen" software in the net.

Kokkiem schreef op 28.02.2011 om 11:08 uur

OK, launching the program 2x: that's the trick!  I have the same pc settings as you, so it should be ok. I indeed used another program for the capture I did earlier, but why if I have VD17?

Thanks for your useful help!