Help! How can you fine adjust audio without it snapping into (the wrong) place? Movie Edit Pro 2015 Premium

kjekje schreef op 03.11.2014 om 21:40 uur

Trying to fine adjust the audio file (zoomed way in) so that it matches the video (music video), but it snaps into place where it should not. Is there any shortcut / key command you can press so that you can move the audio file freely without snapping so that you can place it exactly where you want it? Really frustrating when you've seen how smooth this could be done even 15 years ago in Nuendo, Cubase, ProTools and other professional Music Editing Programs. With all the features on this Movie Edit 2015 program I can hardly believe that this syncing (fine adjustment of audio) can even be a problem in 2014...  Anyone out there with a sollution?


gandjcarr schreef op 04.11.2014 om 14:11 uur


Movie Edit Pro is a frame based application as opposed to time based, so the closest you are going to get is 1 frame.  When I need more precision than that I use audacity as it is time based.  It is a pain, but that is pretty much how it works.  Remember MEP is really a video editor with some audio capabilities but synchronization is dependant on frames.  There are some time based video editors out there but they are very expensive copared to MEP.  You can change the tempo of the audio track to get it to lign up better, but that is essentially just changing the speed  you can do this without changing pitch but if you want to preserve the tempo and the pithc for audio, I would use audacity, you can insert the right amount of "silence" into the audio track to get it to line up with the video.  Time consuming, yes but also possible.


cpc000cpc schreef op 06.11.2014 om 07:00 uur


Check out this discussion and the links suggested there:

