Samplitude Pro X2 - Error -59

Patrick23 ha scritto il 28.10.2023 ore 00:01

Salve a tutti, mentre facevo l esportazione di una canzone il programma ha crashato. Riprovando a iniziare il programma mi ha dato error -59. Ho cancellato tutte le cartelle Samplitude installate e pulito anke il registro di windows. Ho installato di nuovo il programma ma quando clikko a iniziare non si avvia e mi esce una finestra con Errore -59. Qualcuno puo aiutarmi ? Forse c e un file nascosto ke non sono riuscito a trovare e rimane li..o forse dovrei disintallare anke Indipendence !??? Grazie a tutti saluti.


Patrick23 ha scritto il 28.10.2023 ore 00:04

Premetto che ho fatto anke l ultimo agiornamento di Windows 10 pro. Ma il problema me lha dato pochi gg fa dopo il crash.. Aggiornamento non centra nulla credo visto ke usavo il X2 anche con windows 8..

proaudio ha scritto il 30.10.2023 ore 14:05

Hi Patrick,

Please run the tool "MxInstallHelper.exe":

You can find the tool directly in your "Samplitude Pro / Sequoia" installation folder. 
For example, if you performed a standard installation of Samplitude, you would find the tool here: C:\Program Files\Magix\Samplitude Pro X\.

Select program: "Your program"

Select function: "Re-Install".

Click "Process", then "Exit".

If you are using an older versions of Samplitude Pro X / Sequoia, use the link below to download the tool, then unzip it and copy it to the Samplitude installation folder:


If that does not help, please apply the following steps.

Please uninstall the software using the Control Panel:

Find your program and proceed with the uninstallation process.

Please delete the remaining program folders under the following paths:

C:\ProgramData\MAGIX\Samplitude Pro X
C:\Users\*Username*\AppData\Roaming\MAGIX\Samplitude Pro X

Should you not be able to see the "AppData" folder, you will have to change the respective setting.
To do so, go to "Folder options" in the Control Panel and activate the option "Show hidden files, folders and drives" under "View"/ "Hidden files and folders".

Then reinstall the program using the download version.
You can find the installer in your Service Center account at

Start the program after successful installation as administrator.
If the activation dialog does not appear at the first program start, select Help > Register Online.

Be aware that Samplitude Pro X2 is no longer officially supported on Windows 10.

​Best regards

Pro Audio Support

Patrick23 ha scritto il 30.10.2023 ore 19:31

Thank u very much. I let u to know if I will succesfull :)

Patrick23 ha scritto il 30.10.2023 ore 20:32

YEAHHHHHHHHHHHH! It works once again! 🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓 I resolved it using your link 😎💪 I spent many days to try to resolve it but..was impossible. Which file was corrupted ?! Do u know? Have a great day! Thanx . Pat